- `Dataset` class and related classes that were in `vak.dataset` sub-package
+ see `dataframe` module added below that replaces this abstraction
- dependency on `Tensorflow`
+ switch to `torch` because of consistent API, need to work with "mid-level"
abstractions, and preference for Python-first framework
- `core` sub-package
+ the idea is that the `cli` package should just implement all the logic that lets
people who don't want to program use the main functionality
+ and if you do want to program, the rest of the library should facilitate that
*instead of* trying to do all the work for you
- e.g. give someone w/basic coding skills friendly Python classes to work with
when writing a torch-vernacular training script, instead of
giving them a giant `train` function with 3k arguments that no one will ever use
- `AbstractVakModel` class -- gets replaced with `vak.Model` in `engine` sub-package,
see below
- `dataset` sub-package becomes `io` sub-package ("input-output", like in `astropy`)
- use `torch` and `torchvision` in place of `tensorflow`
- use `crowsetta` version 2.0
- switch to `toml` format for config files
+ more flexible than `ini` files, less code to maintain for parsing things that
don't fit into the `ini` format very well / not at all
- clean up `vak` package structure wherever possible: move many modules into
`util` sub-package
- `dataframe` module in ``
+ essentially, data path is audio --> spect --> dataframe --> .csv file that represents
a dataset
+ choose to use external libraries that are already well-maintained and established to
handle as much of the data processing as possible, i.e. `pandas` + `dask`, instead of
trying to maintain a `Dataset` class that does all this work and deals with its own
- `datasets` sub-package
+ uses `torch` and `torchvision` abstractions to represent datasets + dataloaders
- `transforms` sub-package
+ uses `torchvision` transform abstraction to deal with things like "normalizing"
- `engine` sub-package
+ with `Model` class that models should sub-class; helps encourage consistent API for models
- `metrics` sub-package
+ to compute things like accuracy
+ lays groundwork for an `ignite.metrics` / Keras-like functionality