- [Rules] List-based `Rules`: (In, NotIn, AllIn, AllNotIn, AnyIn, AnyNotIn) in `vakt.rules.list`.
- [Rules] Comparison operator `Rules`:(Eq, NotEq, Greater, Less, GreaterOrEqual, LessOrEqual) in `vakt.rules.operator`.
- [Rules] Logic-related operator `Rules`:(Truthy, Falsy, Not, And, Or, Any, Neither) in `vakt.rules.logic`.
- [Rules] Substring-related `Rules`:(StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains) in `vakt.rules.string`.
- [Policy] Policy now checks field type on it's creation or setting.
- [Checker] `RulesChecker` based on definition of attributes via dictionaries w/ various Rules.
- [Storage] `` class. Is used for migrations execution.
- [Storage] `` class. Represents a collection of migrations for a
particular storage.
- Drop Python 3.3 support. Minimal Python version is 3.4 now.
- [Rules] String-based `Rule` Equal now has flag `ci` (case_insensitive).
If set to `True`, string case-insensitive comparison is performed.
- [Logging] Rename logging message "Conflicting ID" -> "Conflicting UID".
- [Logging] Changed several exception logs to error level.
- [Guard] Guard's method `are_rules_satisfied` is now `check_context_restriction`.
- [Policy] Policy constructor signature now is:
`Policy(uid, subjects, effect, resources, actions, context, rules, description)`.
- [Policy] `Policy()` is now polymorphic class. Based on given attributes it can represent string-based policy (used
for RegexChecker, all StringCheckers) and rules-based policy (used for RulesChecker).
- [Storage] `` abstract class was moved to ``
for scope consistency.
- [vakt] Enhanced imports. Now all the basic components like `Policy`, `Guard`, `Rule`s can be imported directly from `vakt`
- [Rules] `Rules` from `string`, `net`, `inquiry` were renamed to their shorter equivalents.
Old-named Rules are now deprecated for usage and will be removed in the next major version.
Deprecated rules are: SubjectEqualRule, ActionEqualRule, ResourceInRule, CIDRRule, StringEqualRule, RegexMatchRule,
- [Policy] `rules` argument is now deprecated. Use 'context' argument for the same purpose.