* renamed several sdk methods for API standardization * added enums for REST API * added support for simple enum str printing * added type support for enums * added XRPZAR support in currency enum
* :code:`Decimal` support and JSON serialization handling * added :code:`typing` support for all API calls * async support for VALR's beta websocket API * additional api documentation * build automation extensions
* Standardised api attribute naming in Client * Updated doctest and readme for more detailed SDK description
* Added custom warning :code:`IncompleteOrderWarning` on receiving :code:`202 Accepted` response to support custom handling of incomplete orders * Added custom warning :code:`TooManyRequestsWarning` during 429 handling * Added class flag for enabling or disabling 429 handler
* Expanded test suites to unit, functional and live integration testing * Internal class refactoring * Added optional HTTP 429 handling by honouring the "Retry-After" header value sent in VALR responses
* Streamlined ordering api calls with decorators * Added typing support * Re-worked class design internals to support later async expansion * Fixed bugs with str 'None' insertion with f-strings * Expanded unit tests to cover all api endpoints for synchronous client