What's new
* Enhanced metadata store (through PMGD):
- Fully ACID compliant transactions
- Support for persistence for contemporary systems with no PM through MSYNC
* Support for user-defined blobs:
- Insert and retrieve arbitrary blobs
- Add and query user-defined properties for blobs
* Support for querying of relationships and its properties (FindConnection Command)
* Support for Visual Descriptors (aka feature vectors):
- New commands for adding and indexing feature vectors.
- Native support for k-nearest neighbor search operation at query time.
- Support for Facebook's Faiss indexes
- Support for a Sparse Arrays based indexes (through TileDB 1.3.1)
- Support for Classification operation, based on user-defined labels.
* Enhanced support for operations over Images:
- New Operation: Flip (vertical, horizontal, or both)
- New Operation: Rotate (and optional resize adjust)
- TileDB image format updated to TileDB 1.3.1
* Support for Bounding Boxes:
- Support for insert/retrieve bounding boxes and links with images.
* Support for Storing and Accessing Videos (through OpenCV 3.4):
- Support for codecs: h.264, xvid, h.263.
- Support for containers: avi, mp4, mov.
- Support for inserting and querying videos with user-defined properties.
- Support for crop, resize, threshold, and interval operations at query time.
* Update Commands (Update for Entities, Connections, Images, Bounding Boxes and Videos)
* Full Support for Python3 (backward compatible with Python 2):
- Installation of Python Client through pip
- Simply run: pip install vdms
* Updated docker images (publicly available at docker.io/intellabs/vdms):
- Very easy to have a VDMS Server running on your system
- Simply run: docker run -it intellabs/vdms:2.0.0
* Bug fixes and performance enhancements
* Updated documentation:
- New VDMS Commands (at github.com/IntelLabs/vdms/wiki)
- PMGD API documentation (at github.com/IntelLabs/pmgd/wiki)
Compatible with PMGD v2.0.0 and VCL v1.0.0.