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[29 May 2022]

- bug fixes
- `plane` from equation
- repr of `line` object dfined.


[28 May 2022]

Bug fixes in `plane` and `line` constructors :

(in _geometry.py_ module)

- bug encountered when construction a `line` object with **two point** form.
- samilar bug experienced with `plane` object.
- **reason** : variable referenced before assignment.


1. changes in vector class

- `round()` method defined for the vector class.
- Conversions to `list` , `dict`, and `tuple` using attribute names :
_[26 May, 2022]_
v = vectorgbra.vector(1,2,3)
v.list returns list of components in order of x, y, z.
v.dict returns dict of components in order of x, y, z.
v.tuple returns tuple of components in order of x, y, z.

2. changes in mudule:

- `coplanar(*args)` function defined. this function returns `True` if the given points are coplanar. else returns `False`. - _23 May, 2022_

[*24 May 2022*]

- `area_polygon(*args)` and `area_line(a,b)` functions defined.

- `centroid(*args)` function defined which returns the centroid of the polygon.

- Class `line` defined. this class represents a line in 3-dimensional space. its methods include :-

[ _25 May, 2022_ ]

- `self.parallel(line)` : returns `True` if the given line is parallel to the current line.
- `self.intersection(line)` : returns the intersection point of the current line and the given line.
- `self.distance(other)` : returns the (shortest)distance between the current line and the given line or point.
- `self.intersect(line)` returns `True` if given line intersects with the current line.
- `self.includes` : returns `True` if the given point is on the current line.

[ _26 May, 2022_ ]

- To construct a line object instance :
if p1 and p2 are points on the line
line1 = vectogebra.geometry.line(p1, p2)
if a is a point on the line and b is the direction vector :
line2 = vectogebra.geometry.line(point = a, direction = b)
in place of point, p or pt can also be used.
in place of direction, d or dir can also be used.

- equality of line also defined : if two lines have same direction and one point in common, they are equal.
- `line.__eq__(other)` : returns `True` if the given line is equal to the current line. else returns `False`.

>>>import vectogebra
>>>line1 = vectgebra.geometry.line(p=vectogebra.vector(0,0,0),d=vectogebra.vector(1,1,1))
>>>line2 = vectogebra.geometry.line(p=vectogebra.vector(5,5,5),d=vectogebra.vector(99,99,99))
>>>line1 == line2

[*27 May, 2022*]

- defination of line can be done using tuples or strings also

import vectogebra.geometry as geo
line1 = geo.line(p=(0,0,0),d=(1,1,1))
OR :
line2 = geo.line(p='0 0 0',d='1 1 1')

- Now line can also be constructed using `tuple` or `list` instead of `vector` :
line1 = vectogebra.geometry.line(p=(1,2,4),d=(15,12,33))
two point method also applicable :
line2 = vectogebra.geometry.line((12,46,67),(12,98,65))
similarly, tuples can also be used.

- Class `plane` defined : Represents a plane in 3D space.

[27 May, 2022]

- different methods of defining the plane.
- equality of planes.
- intersection of plane with a line (result is a point.)
- intersection of plane with a plane (result is a line)
- function to check if a plane includes a given point or not.
- function to check if a plane is parallel to a given plane or line.
- distnce between a plane and a point or line or other plane.
- now arguments need not be vectors, tuples/ lists / strings can also be used.

import vectogebra.geometry as geo
plane1 = geo.plane(p=(0,0,0),n=(1,1,1))
plane2 = geo.plane(p='0 0 0',n='1 1 1')

3. changes in mudule:

- `proportional(a,b)` function defined to check proportionality of two vectors.
- bug fixes


updates in vector class

- 2D vector can now be defined by passing two arguments and third will automatically be set to 0.
- `vector()` can now accept single argument as a list / dict or tuple of x, y, and z components.
- new attributes:
1. `vector.angle_x` - angle between vector and x axis.
2. `vector.angle_y` - angle between vector and y axis.
3. `vctor.angle_z` - angle between vector and z axis.
(above angles will be in radians) suffix `_deg` at the end of the attribute to get angle in degrees.
- define vector using string !
vector(`x y z`) will return vector object : vector(x, y, z)

updates in vut

- polar vectors are now supported.
to define a vector using polar argument, use vut.polar_to_vector(r, theta, atype)
atype can be 'deg' or 'degree' or 'rad' or 'radian' default is 'rad'. example:
>>> vut.polar_to_vector(1, 90, 'deg')
>>> vut.polar_to_vector(1, math.pi/2, 'rad')

- polar exportes added
vector can be exported to a polar representation by using the following functions:
vut.polar_to_vector(vector, plane, atype)

- plane can be 'xy' or 'yz' or 'zx'
- atype can be 'deg' or 'degree' or 'rad' or 'radian' default is 'rad'.
- default plane is 'xy', and default atype is 'deg' in this case.
- angle will be measured from the +ve x- axis in case of xy and yz plane, and with +ve y- axis in the case of yz plane.

new module for geometry

this module contains functions for coordinate geometry calculations using vectors (Position Vectors).
this module is an application of and

import vectogebra.geometry as geo

defined the following functions :-

1. `divider(a,b,m,n)` : returns a point that divides the line segment joining `a` and `b` by in the ratio `m`:`n`.
2. `distance(a,b)` : returns the distance between `a` and `b`
3. `area_line(a,b)` : signed area under the line segment joining a and b.
4. `area_polygon` : signed area of polygon with any number of vertices.
5. `area_triangle` : area formed by a triangle with vertices `a` , `b` and `c`.


the library is now comlpetely functional.

- optimised the directory structure.
- importing vector class is now easy.
- resolved the issue of angle between parallel vectors.



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