
Latest version: v0.6.8

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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This release introduces new APIs for deploying Prompts and Workflows from their Sandboxes, as well as APIs for moving Release Tags between Deployment History Items.


Adds support for providing JSON metadata alongside Prompt Completion Actuals


This release brings support for:
1. Searching across document indexes by name/label
2. Strictly typed index configs for Document Indexes
3. Metric Node results in Workflows
4. Workflow actuals metadata
5. Changes to vellum variable values, array items, and function calling to more closely match actually allowed values


Node Events now carry a `state` field with each output


Cleans up Python SDK code for external evals and adds helper methods for convenience.


Breaking Release: Enums in Python SDK are now strings instead of Enum.VALUE values

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