* Config file support (56)
Vermin automatically tries to detect a config file, starting in the current working directory where it is run, following parent folders until either the root or project boundary files/folders are reached. However, if `--config-file` is specified, no config is auto-detected and loaded.
Config file names being looked for: `vermin.ini`, `vermin.conf`, `.vermin`, `setup.cfg`
Project boundary files/folders: `.git`, `.svn`, `.hg`, `.bzr`, `_darcs`, `.fslckout`
A sample config file can be found [here](https://github.com/netromdk/vermin/blob/master/sample.vermin.ini).
* Added new arguments:
* `--no-backport`
* `--no-dump`
* `--no-exclude`
* `--no-feature`
* `--no-hidden`
* `--no-ignore`
* `--no-lax`
* `--no-pessimistic`
* `--no-quiet`
* `--no-target`
* `--show-tips` to have an opposite of `--no-tips`
* `--dump` long form of `-d`
* Extended comment exclusion support (59)
* Added and fixed backports (61)
* Detect unpacking assignment (3.0)
* Fixed false positive generalized unpacking cases (63)
* Fixed magic line Python detection
* Incompatible interpretation on syntax errors using `--pessimistic` (48)
* Fixed exception cause related minimum versions (60)
* Fixed reported line of `with` statement
* Fixed solitary `novermin` border case with newline before it
* Added `txt` as excluded extension for detection
* GitHub Actions fixes
* Test and analyze on PRs too
* Finish coveralls session when all parallel tests are done
* Renamed lax mode to lax (internal)
* Extend lax mode support
* Tidy up Makefile
Appreciated feedback and contributions from gousaiyang