What's new?
- Fix a bug when exporting axis mappings to designspace.
Install or update [vfbLib via pip](https://pypi.org/project/vfbLib/).
Designspace export
I’m happy that there is now basic support for exporting a designspace file. You probably need to manually edit the exported file to suit your needs, but basically you can now generate static or variable fonts from a VFB with `vfb3ufo` and [fontmake](https://github.com/googlefonts/fontmake):
$ vfb3ufo TheSansC4sTT.vfb
VFB3UFO Converter
Copyright (c) 2022 by LucasFonts
Build 2023-04-18
Reading file TheSansC4sTT.vfb ...
Source file was successfully imported in 346 ms.
Processing font: TheSans Variable C4s, master 0
Processing font: TheSans Variable C4s, master 1
Writing designspace: TheSansC4sTT.designspace
$ fontmake -m TheSansC4sTT.designspace -o ttf --keep-overlaps --keep-direction -i --output-dir instances
$ fontmake -m TheSansC4sTT.designspace -o variable --keep-overlaps --keep-direction --output-dir variable_ttf
`diffvfb` generates a diff from two VFB files. In normal mode, a unified diff is printed to the standard output. Via the option `--html out.html` a HTML diff is written to the specified file instead.
`diffvfb` is very slow.
usage: diffvfb [-h] [--html HTML] file1 file2
diffvfb Copyright (c) 2023 by LucasFonts Build 2023-03-15
positional arguments:
file1 First input file path (.vfb)
file2 Second input file path (.vfb)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--html HTML Output diff in HTML format to file path