BUG FIXES: - Fixes bug that causes multiprocessing task to not finish under certain special circumstances. - Fixes bug that causes certain flows to allocate memory in the GPU even if cpu was selected for usage.
NEW FEATURES: - Added a simple webhook consumer.
Bug Fixes: - Fixes bug that can cause flow to not terminate when using multi-task nodes.
Improvements: - Fixes errors in documentation. - Removes dependency from scikit-learn
Bug fixes 1. Fixes bug when doing multiprocessing in gpu allocated processors.
New Features - Detection of bottlenecks - Improved logging of bottlenecks
classification classification models
pose Pose and multipose models
segmentation Models released: - maskrcnn-resnet101_coco, 470 ms per image, 33 COCO mAP - maskrcnn-inceptionv2_coco, 79 ms per image, 25 COCO mAP
Bug Fixes - Added missing files to the ``detection`` release, and updated source code accordingly.
New Functionality - Added producers: ``VideoUrlReader`` and ``VideoDeviceReader``.
NEW FUNCTIONALITIES: - Ability to allocate a node to multiple processes - Flow now stops in a natural way when stopped.
BREAKING CHANGES: - videoflow.producers.VideoFileReader now returns a tuple of (idx, frame). Before it only returned the frame.