
Latest version: v0.3.3

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New Features

- **Multiple Clients support in NetGear API:**

* [X] Implemented support for handling any number of Clients simultaneously with a single Server in this mode.
* [X] Added new `multiclient_mode` attribute for enabling this mode easily.
* [X] Built support for `zmq.REQ/zmq.REP` and `zmq.PUB/zmq.SUB` patterns in this mode.
* [X] Implemented ability to receive data from all Client(s) along with frames with `zmq.REQ/zmq.REP` pattern only.
* [X] Updated related CI tests

- **Support for robust Lazy Pirate pattern(auto-reconnection) in NetGear API for both server and client ends:**

* [X] Implemented a algorithm where NetGear rather than doing a blocking receive, will now:
+ Poll the socket and receive from it only when it's sure a reply has arrived.
+ Attempt to reconnect, if no reply has arrived within a timeout period.
+ Abandon the connection if there is still no reply after several requests.
* [X] Implemented its default support for `REQ/REP` and `PAIR` messaging patterns internally.
* [X] Added new `max_retries` and `request_timeout`(in seconds) for handling polling.
* [X] Added `DONTWAIT` flag for interruption-free data receiving.
* [X] Both Server and Client can now reconnect even after a premature termination.

- **Performance Updates for NetGear API:**

* [X] Added default Frame Compression support for Bidirectional frame transmission in Bidirectional mode.
* [X] Added support for `Reducer()` function in to aid reducing frame-size on-the-go for more performance.
* [X] Added small delay in `recv()` function at client's end to reduce system load.
* [X] Reworked and Optimized NetGear termination, and also removed/changed redundant definitions and flags.

- **Docs Migration to Mkdocs:**

* [X] Implemented a beautiful, static documentation site based on [MkDocs]( which will then be hosted on GitHub Pages.
* [X] Crafted base mkdocs with third-party elegant & simplistic [`mkdocs-material`]( theme.
* [X] Implemented new `mkdocs.yml` for Mkdocs with relevant data.
* [X] Added new `docs` folder to handle markdown pages and its assets.
* [X] Added new Markdown pages(`.md`) to docs folder, which are carefully crafted documents - based on previous Wiki's docs, and some completely new additions.
* [X] Added navigation under tabs for easily accessing each document.
* [X] **New Assets:**
+ Added new assets like _gifs, images, custom scripts, favicons, site.webmanifest etc._ for bringing standard and quality to docs visual design.
+ Designed brand new logo and banner for VidGear Documents.
+ Deployed all assets under separate [*Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License*](
* [X] **Added Required Plugins and Extensions:**
+ Added support for all [pymarkdown-extensions](
+ Added support for some important `admonition`, `attr_list`, `codehilite`, `def_list`, `footnotes`, `meta`, and `toc` like Mkdocs extensions.
+ Enabled `search`, `minify` and `git-revision-date-localized` plugins support.
+ Added various VidGear's social links to yaml.
+ Added support for `en` _(English)_ language.
* [X] **Auto-Build API Reference with `mkdocstrings:`**
+ Added support for [`mkdocstrings`]( plugin for auto-building each VidGear's API references.
+ Added python handler for parsing python source-code to `mkdocstrings`.
* [X] **Auto-Deploy Docs with Github Actions:**
+ Implemented Automated Docs Deployment on gh-pages through GitHub Actions workflow.
+ Added new workflow yaml with minimal configuration for automated docs deployment.
+ Added all required python dependencies and environment for this workflow.
+ Added `master` branch on Ubuntu machine to build matrix.


- [X] Added in-built support for bidirectional frames(`NDarray`) transfer in Bidirectional mode.
- [X] Added support for User-Defined compression params in Bidirectional frames transfer.
- [X] Added workaround for `address already in use` bug at client's end.
- [X] Unified Bidirectional and Multi-Clients mode for client's return data transmission.
- [X] Replaced `ValueError` with more suitable `RuntimeError`.
- [X] Updated logging for better readability.
- [X] Added CI test for Multi-Clients mode.
- [X] Reformatted and grouped imports in VidGear.
- [X] Added `Reducer` Helper function CI test.
- [X] Added Reliability tests for both Server and Client end.
- [X] Disabled reliable reconnection for Multi-Clients mode.
- [X] Replaced `os.devnull` with suprocess's inbuilt function.
- [X] Updated, Issue and PR templates with new information and updates.
- [X] Moved `` to `/docs` and updated contribution guidelines.
- [X] Improved source-code docs for compatibility with `mkdocstrings`.
- [X] Added additional dependency `mkdocs-exclude`, for excluding files from Mkdocs builds.
- [X] Updated license and compressed images/diagrams.
- [X] Added new CI tests and Bumped Codecov.
- [X] Changed YouTube video URL for CI tests to Creative Commons(CC) video.
- [X] Removed redundant code.

Breaking Updates/Changes

⚠️ _VidGear Docs moved to GitHub Pages, Now Available at

- [X] Removed `filter` attribute from `options` parameter in NetGear API.
- [X] Removed `force_terminate` parameter support from NetGear API.
- [X] Disabled additional data of datatype `numpy.ndarray` for Server end in Bidirectional Mode.


- [X] Fixed `'NoneType' object is not subscriptable` bug.
- [X] Fixed bugs related to delayed termination in NetGear API.
- [X] Reduced default `request_timeout` value to 4 and also lowered cut-off limit for the same.
- [X] Removed redundant ZMQ context termination and similar variables.
- [X] Added missing VidGear installation in workflow.
- [X] Excluded conflicting assets `` from Mkdocs builds.
- [X] Fixed `pattern` value check bypassed if wrong value is assigned.
- [X] Fixed incorrect handling of additional data transferred in synchronous mode at both Server and Client end.
- [X] Replaced Netgear CI test with more reliable `try-except-final` blocks.
- [X] Updated termination linger to zero at Server's end.
- [X] Fixed `NameError` bug in NetGear API.
- [X] Fixed missing support for compression parameters in Multi-Clients Mode.
- [X] Fixed ZMQ throwing error on termination if all max-tries exhausted.
- [X] Enabled missing support for frame compression in its primary receive mode.
- [X] Fixed several bugs from CI Bidirectional Mode tests.
- [X] Removed or Grouped redundant code for increasing codecov.
- [X] Fixed Mkdocs only accepting Relative paths.
- [X] Fixed broken links in docs.
- [X] Fixed round off error in FPS.
- [X] Many small typos and bugs fixes.

Pull Requests

* PR 129
* PR 130


New Features:

* **WebGear API:**
* Added a robust Live Video Server API that can transfer live video frames to any web browser on the network in real-time.
* Implemented a flexible asyncio wrapper around [`starlette`]( ASGI Application Server.
* Added seamless access to various starlette's Response classes, Routing tables, Static Files, Template engine(with Jinja2), etc.
* Added a special internal access to VideoGear API and all its parameters.
* Implemented a new Auto-Generation Work-flow to generate/download & thereby validate WebGear API data files from its GitHub server automatically.
* Added on-the-go dictionary parameter in WebGear to tweak performance, Route Tables and other internal properties easily.
* Added new simple & elegant default Bootstrap Cover Template for WebGear Server.
* Added `` to directly run WebGear Server through the terminal.
* Added new gif and related docs for WebGear API.
* Added and Updated various CI tests for this API.

* **NetGear_Async API**
* Designed NetGear_Async asynchronous network API built upon ZeroMQ's asyncio API.
* Implemented support for state-of-the-art asyncio event loop [`uvloop`]( at its backend.
* Achieved Unmatchable high-speed and lag-free video streaming over the network with minimal resource constraint.
* Added exclusive internal wrapper around VideoGear API for this API.
* Implemented complete server-client handling and options to use variable protocols/patterns for this API.
* Implemented support for all four ZeroMQ messaging patterns: i.e `zmq.PAIR`, `zmq.REQ/zmq.REP`, `zmq.PUB/zmq.SUB`, and `zmq.PUSH/zmq.PULL`.
* Implemented initial support for `tcp` and `ipc` protocols.
* Added new Coverage CI tests for NetGear_Async Network Gear.
* Added new Benchmark tests for benchmarking NetGear_Async against NetGear.

* **Asynchronous I/O Enhancements**
* Added `asyncio` package to vidgear for handling asynchronous APIs.
* Moved WebGear API( to `asyncio` and created separate asyncio `` for it.
* Various Performance tweaks for Asyncio APIs with concurrency within a single thread.
* Moved `` to asyncio for easier access to WebGear API through the terminal.
* Updated `` with new dependencies and separated asyncio dependencies.

* **General Enhancements:**

* Added new highly-precise Threaded FPS class for accurate benchmarking with `time.perf_counter` python module.
* Added a new [Gitter]( community channel.
* Added a new *Reducer* function to reduce the frame size on-the-go.
* Add *Flake8* tests to Travis CI to find undefined names. (PR by cclauss)
* Added a new unified `logging handler` helper function for vidgear.


* Re-implemented and simplified logic for NetGear Async server-end.
* Added new dependencies for upcoming asyncio updates to ``.
* Added `retry` function and replaced `wget` with `curl` for Linux test envs.
* Bumped OpenCV to latest `4.2.0-dev` for Linux test envs.
* Updated YAML files to reflect new changes to different CI envs.
* Separated each API logger with a common helper method to avoid multiple copies.
* Limited Importing OpenCV API version check's scope to `` only.
* Implemented case for incorrect `color_space` value in ScreenGear API.
* Removed old conflicting logging formatter with a common method and expanded logging.
* Improved and added `shutdown` function for safely stopping frame producer threads in WebGear API.
* Re-implemented and simplified all CI tests with maximum code-coverage in mind.
* Replaced old `mkdir` function with new `mkdir_safe` helper function for creating directories safely.
* Updated with updated diagrams, gifs and information.
* Improve, structured and Simplified the Contribution Guidelines.
* Bundled CI requirements in a single command.(Suggested by cclauss)
* Replaced line endings CRLF with LF endings.
* Added dos2unix for Travis OSX envs.
* Bumped Codecov to maximum.

Breaking Updates / Improvements / Changes

* ***:warning: Dropped support for Python 3.5 and below legacies. (See [issue 99](***
* Dropped and replaced Python 3.5 matrices with new Python 3.8 matrices in all CI environments.
* Implemented PEP-8 Styled [**Black**]( formatting throughout the source-code.
* Limited protocols support to `tcp` and `ipc` only, in NetGear API.


* Fixed Major NetGear_Async bug where `__address` and `__port` are not set in async mode.(PR by otter-in-a-suit)
* Fixed Major PiGear Color-space Conversion logic bug.
* Workaround for CAP_IMAGES: error in YouTube Mode.
* Replaced incorrect `terminate()` with `join()` in PiGear.
* Removed `uvloop` for windows as still [NOT yet supported](
* Refactored Asynchronous Package name `async` to `asyncio`, since it is used as Keyword in python>=3.7*(raises SyntaxError)*.
* Fixed unfinished close of event loops bug in WebGear API.
* Fixed NameError in
* Added fix for OpenCV installer failure on Linux test envs.
* Fixed undefined NameError in `` context. (cclauss)
* Fixed incorrect logic while pulling frames from ScreenGear API.
* Fixed missing functions in ``.
* Fixed Typos and definitions in docs.
* Added missing `camera_num` parameter to VideoGear.
* Added OpenSSL's [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] bug workaround for macOS envs.
* Removed `download_url` meta from
* Removed PiGear from CI completely due to hardware emulation limitation.
* Removed VideoCapture benchmark tests for macOS envs.
* Removed trivial `` from codecov.
* Removed several redundant `try-catch` loops.
* Renamed `youtube_url_validation` as `youtube_url_validator`.
* Several minor wrong/duplicate variable definitions and various bugs fixed.
* Fixed, Improved & removed many Redundant CI tests for various APIs.

Pull requests(PR) involved:

* PR 88
* PR 91
* PR 93
* PR 95
* PR 98
* PR 101
* PR 114
* PR 118
* PR 124

:warning: PyPi Release does NOT contain Tests and Scripts!


* Fixed critical bug: undefined name `self` in context which will raise NameError. (cclauss)

Pull requests(PR) involved:


:warning: PyPi Release does NOT contain Tests and Scripts!


New Features:
* **NetGear API:**
* Added powerful ZMQ Authentication & Data Encryption features for NetGear API:
* Added exclusive `secure_mode` param for enabling it.
* Added support for the two most powerful `Stonehouse` & `Ironhouse` ZMQ security mechanisms.
* Added smart auth-certificates/key generation and validation features
* Implemented Robust Multi-Server support for NetGear API:
* Enables Multiple Server messaging support with a single client.
* Added exclusive `multiserver_mode` param for enabling it.
* Added support for `REQ/REP` & `PUB/SUB` patterns for this mode.
* Added ability to send additional data of any datatype along with the frame in realtime in this mode.
* Introducing exclusive Bi-Directional Mode for bidirectional data transmission:
* Added new `return_data` parameter to `recv()` function.
* Added new `bidirectional_mode` attribute for enabling this mode.
* Added support for `PAIR` & `REQ/REP` patterns for this mode
* Added support for sending data of any python datatype.
* Added support for `message` parameter for non-exclusive primary modes for this mode.
* Implemented compression support with on-the-fly flexible frame encoding for the Server-end:
* Added initial support for `JPEG`, `PNG` & `BMP` encoding formats
* Added exclusive options attribute `compression_format` & `compression_param` to tweak this feature
* Client-end will now decode frame automatically based on the encoding as well as support decoding flags
* Added `force_terminate` attribute flag for handling force socket termination at the Server-end if there's latency in the network.
* Implemented new *Publish/Subscribe(`zmq.PUB/zmq.SUB`)* pattern for seamless Live Streaming in NetGear API.

* **PiGear API:**
* Added new threaded internal timing function for PiGear to handle any hardware failures/frozen threads.
* PiGear will not exit safely with `SystemError` if Picamera ribbon cable is pulled out to save resources.
* Added support for new user-defined `HWFAILURE_TIMEOUT` options attributes to alter timeout.

* **VideoGear API:**
* Added `framerate` global variable and removed redundant function.
* Added `CROP_N_ZOOM` attribute in Videogear API for supporting Crop and Zoom stabilizer feature.

* **WriteGear API:** Added new `execute_ffmpeg_cmd` function to pass a custom command to its FFmpeg pipeline.

* **Stabilizer class:**
* Added new Crop and Zoom feature.
* Added `crop_n_zoom` param for enabling this feature.
* Updated docs.

* **CLI & Tests updates:**
* Replaced python 3.5 matrices with the latest python 3.8 matrices in the Linux environment.
* Added full support for **Codecov** in all CLI environments.
* Updated OpenCV to v4.2.0-pre(master branch).
* Added various Netgear API tests.
* Added initial Screengear API test.
* More test RTSP feeds added with better error handling in the CamGear network test.
* Added tests for ZMQ authentication certificate generation.
* Added badge and Minor doc updates.

* Added VidGear's official native support for macOS environments.

* Replace `print` logging commands with python's logging module completely.
* Implemented encapsulation for class functions and variables on all gears.
* Updated support for screencasting from multiple/all monitors in ScreenGear API.
* Updated ScreenGear API to use *Threaded Queue Mode* by default, thereby removed redundant `THREADED_QUEUE_MODE` param.
* Updated bash script path to download test dataset in `$TMPDIR` rather than `$HOME` directory for downloading test data.
* Implemented better error handling of colorspace in various videocapture APIs.
* Updated bash scripts, Moved FFmpeg static binaries to ``.
* Updated bash scripts, Added additional flag to support un-secure apt sources.
* CamGear API will now throw `RuntimeError` if the source provided is invalid.
* Updated threaded Queue mode in CamGear API for more robust performance.
* Added new `camera_num` to support multiple Picameras.
* Moved thread exceptions to the main thread and then re-raised.
* Added alternate GitHub mirror for FFmpeg static binaries auto-installation on windows oses.
* Added `colorlog` python module for presentable colored logging.
* Replaced `traceback` with `sys.exc_info`.
* Overall APIs Code and Docs optimizations.
* Updated Code Readability and Wiki Docs.
* Updated ReadMe & Changelog with the latest changes.
* Updated Travis CLI Tests with support for the macOS environment.
* Reformatted & implemented necessary macOS related changes and dependencies in `travis.yml`.

Breaking Updates / Improvements / Changes
* :warning: Python 2.7 legacy support dropped completely.
* :warning: Source-code Relicensed to Apache 2.0 License.
* Python 3+ are only supported legacies for installing Vidgear v0.1.6 and above.
* Python 2.7 and 3.4 legacies support dropped from VidGear CLI tests.

* Reimplemented `Pub/Sub` pattern for smoother performance on various networks.
* Fixed Assertion error in CamGear API during colorspace manipulation.
* Fixed random freezing in `Secure Mode` and several related performance updates
* Fixed `multiserver_mode` not working properly over some networks.
* Fixed assigned Port address ignored bug (commit 073bca1).
* Fixed several wrong definition bugs from NetGear API(commit 8f7153c).
* Fixed unreliable dataset video URL(rehosted file on ``).
* Disabled `overwrite_cert` for client-end in NetGear API.
* Disabled Universal Python wheel builds in `setup.cfg `file.
* Removed duplicate code to import MSS(BoboTiG) from ScreenGear API.
* Eliminated unused redundant code blocks from the library.
* Fixed Code indentation in `` and updated new release information.
* Fixed code definitions & Typos.
* Fixed several bugs related to `secure_mode` & `multiserver_mode` Modes.
* Fixed various macOS environment bugs.

Pull requests(PR) involved:
* PR 39
* PR 42
* PR 44
* PR 52
* PR 55
* PR 62
* PR 67
* PR 72
* PR 77
* PR 78
* PR 82
* PR 84

:warning: PyPi Release does NOT contain Tests and Scripts!


New Features:
* Added new ScreenGear API, supports Live ScreenCasting.
* Added new NetGear API, aids real-time frame transfer through messaging(ZmQ) over network.
* Added new new Stabilizer Class, for minimum latency Video Stabilization with OpenCV.
* Added Option to use VidGear API's standalone.
* Added Option to use VideoGear API as internal wrapper around Stabilizer Class.
* Added new parameter `stabilize` to VidGear API, to enable or disable Video Stabilization.
* Added support for `**option` dict attributes to update VidGear's video stabilizer parameters directly.
* Added brand new VidGear logo and functional block diagram (`.svg`) in
* Added new pictures and GIFs for improving readability
* Added new `` and `` for reference.
* Added `collections.deque` import in Threaded Queue Mode for performance consideration
* Added new `` bash scripts for Travis cli, to handle OpenCV installation.
* Added new Project Issue & PR Templates
* Added new Sponsor Button(`FUNDING.yml`)

* Updated New dependencies: `mss`, `pyzmq` and rejected redundant ones.
* Revamped and refreshed look for `` and added new badges.
* Updated Releases Documentation completely.
* Updated CLI tests for new changes
* Updated Code Documentation.
* Updated bash scripts and removed redundant information
* Updated `Youtube video` URL in tests
* Completely Reformatted and Updated Wiki Docs with new changes.

Breaking Updates / Improvements / Changes
* Implemented experimental Threaded Queue Mode(_a.k.a Blocking Mode_) for fast, synchronized, error-free multi-threading.
* Renamed bash script `` to `` - downloads opensourced test datasets and static FFmpeg binaries for debugging.
* Changed `script` folder location to `bash/script`.
* `Python 3.4` removed from Travis CLI tests.

* Temporarily fixed Travis CLI bug: Replaced `opencv-contrib-python` with OpenCV built from scratch as dependency.
* Fixed CLI Timeout Bug: Disable Threaded Queue Mode for CLI Tests
* Fixes `sys.stderr.close()` throws ValueError bug: Replaced `sys.close()` with `DEVNULL.close()`
* Fixed Youtube Live Stream bug that return `NonType` frames in CamGear API.
* Fixed `NoneType` frames bug in PiGear class on initialization.
* Fixed Wrong function definitions
* Removed `/xe2` unicode bug from Stabilizer class.
* Fixed `**output_params` _KeyError_ bug in WriteGear API
* Fixed subprocess not closing properly on exit in WriteGear API.
* Fixed bugs in ScreenGear: Non-negative `monitor` values
* Fixed missing import, typos, wrong variable definitions
* Removed redundant hack from ``
* Fixed Minor YouTube playback Test CLI Bug
* Fixed new Twitter Intent
* Fixed bug in bash script that not working properly due to changes at server end.

Pull requests(PR) involved:
* PR 17
* PR 21
* PR 22
* PR 27
* PR 31
* PR 32
* PR 33
* PR 34

New Features:
* Added WriteGear API: for enabling lossless video encoding and compression(built around FFmpeg and OpenCV Video Writer)
* Added YouTube direct Video Pipelining to OpenCV(_YouTube Mode_) in CamGear API
* Added new `y_tube` to access _YouTube Mode_ in CamGear API.
* Added flexible Output file Compression control capabilities in compression-mode(WriteGear).
* Added `-output_dimensions` special parameter to WriteGear API.
* Added new `` to handle special helper functions.
* Added feature to auto-download and configure FFmpeg Static binaries(if not found) on Windows platforms.
* Added `-input_framerate` special parameter to WriteGear class to change/control output constant framerate in compression mode(WriteGear).
* Added new Direct Video colorspace Conversion capabilities in CamGear and PiGear API.
* Added new `framerate` class variable for CamGear API, to retrieve input framerate.
* Added new parameter `backend` - changes the backend of CamGear's API
* Added automatic required prerequisites installation ability, when installation from source.
* Added Travis CLI Complete Integration for Linux-based Testing for VidGear.
* Added and configured `travis.yml`
* Added Appveyor CLI Complete Integration for Windows-based Testing in VidGear.
* Added and configured new `appveyor.yml`
* Added new bash script `` to download opensourced test datasets and static FFmpeg binaries for debugging.
* Added several new Tests(including Benchmarking Tests) for each API for testing with `pytest`.
* Added `Say Thank you!` badge to readme.

* Removed redundant dependencies
* Updated `youtube-dl` as a dependency, as required by `pafy`'s backend.
* Updated common VideoGear API with new parameter.
* Update robust algorithm to auto-detect FFmpeg executables and test them, if failed, auto fallback to OpenCV's VideoWriter API.
* Improved system previously installed OpenCV detection in
* Updated with hack to remove bullets from pypi description.
* Updated Code Documentation
* Reformatted & Modernized with new badges.
* Reformatted and Updated Wiki Docs.

Breaking Updates / Improvements / Changes
* Bugs Patched: Removed unnecessary `-height` and `-width` parameter from CamGear API.
* Replaced dependency `opencv-python` with `opencv-contrib-python` completely

* Windows Cross-Platform fix: replaced dependency `os` with `platform` in
* Fixed Bug: Arises due to spaces in input `**options`/`**output_param` dictionary keys.
* Fixed several wrong/missing variable & function definitions.
* Fixed code uneven indentation.
* Fixed several typos in docs.

Pull requests(PR) involved:
* PR 7
* PR 8
* PR 10
* PR 12

:warning: PyPi Release does NOT contain Tests and Scripts!

* Patched Major PiGear Bug: Incorrect import of PiRGBArray function in PiGear Class
* Several fixes for backend `picamera` API handling during frame capture(PiGear)
* Fixed missing frame variable initialization.
* Fixed minor typos

Pull requests(PR) Involved:
* PR 6
* PR 5

**Tip :bulb: Go through each PR to see what has changed and when!**

New Features:
* Added easy Source manipulation feature in CamGear API, to control features like `resolution, brightness, framerate etc.`
* Added new `**option` parameter to CamGear API, provides the flexibility to manipulate input stream directly.
* Added new parameters for Camgear API for time delay and logging.
* Added new Logo to
* Added new Wiki Documentation.

* Reformatted
* Updated Wiki Docs with new changes.

* Improved Error Handling in CamGear & PiGear API.
* Fixed minor typos in docs.

Pull requests(PR) Involved:

* PR 4

**Tip :bulb: Go through each PR to see what has changed and when!**



New Features:
* Release ViGear binaries on the Python Package Index (PyPI)
* Added new and configured `` & `setup.cfg`

* Fixed PEP bugs: added and configured properly `` in each folder
* Fixed PEP bugs: improved code Indentation
* Fixed wrong imports: replaced `distutils.core` with `setuptools`
* Fixed


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