- ViennaRNA now uses autoconfig generated configure scripts for even better
portability (should compile on any UNIX, Linux, MacOS X, Windows with
- The new RNAalifold program predicts consensus structures for a set of
aligned sequences.
- Complete suboptimal folding is now integrated in the library.
- Beginning support for co-folding of two strands: energy_of_struct() and
RNAeval can now compute energies of duplex structures.
- RNAcofold predicts hybrid structures of two RNA strands
- RNAduplex predicts hybrid structures, while allowing only inter-molecular
base pairs (useful for finding potential binding sites)
- RNALfold predicts locally stable structures in long sequences.
- Major changes to Perl module. See the pod documentation (perldoc RNA).
- RNAsubopt can do stochastic backtracking to produce samples of suboptimal
structures with Boltzmann statistics.
- New utilities to rotate secondary structure plots and annotate them with
reliability data.
- Various small bug fixes