- ``lm_to_az_za`` --> ``enu_to_az_za`` and added ``orientation`` parameter. Significant
increase in documentation of this and related coordinate functions.
- Refactoring of construction of spline within main CPU routine to its own function:
- ``eci_to_enu_matrix`` function
- ``enu_to_eci_matrix`` function
- ``point_source_crd_eq`` function
- ``equatorial_to_eci_coords`` function
- ``uvbeam_to_lm`` function
- New ``plotting`` module with ``animate_source_map`` function.
- Ability to do **polarization**! (Only in ``vis_cpu`` for now, not GPU).
- New ``wrapper`` module with ``simulate_vis`` function that makes it easier to simulate
over an array of frequencies and source positions in standard RA/DEC (i.e. it does
the frequency loop, and calculates the rotation matrices for you). It is an *example*
wrapper for the core engine.
- Many more unit tests.