* public methods on typesets are now static * introduces a new declarative API * documentation changes and fixes.
ENH: swifter apply for pandas backend FIX: fix for issue 147 ENH: `__version__` attribute made available ENH: improved typing and CI ENH: contrib types/typesets for a low-threshold contribution of types
ENH: Expose state using `typeset.detect` and `typeset.infer` ENH: plotting of typesets improved FIX: fix and test cases for 136 CLN: pre-commit with black, isort, pyupgrade, flake8 ENH: type relations are now accessible by type (e.g. Float.relations[Integer])
Improved default handling of sparse and empty series (+ testing)
- Introduce stateful type inference and casting - Expose test utils to users and fix diagnostic information - Integer consistency for the standard set - Use pd.BooleanDtype for newer versions of pandas - Latest black formatting
API breaking changes: - migration to single dispatch on typeset methods - updated API to unify detect / infer / cast against Series and DataFrames - improvements to boolean type