Additions to the ``processing.molecules`` module. Added various new molecular node/features based on
RDKit computations.
- Partial Gasteiger Charges of atoms
- Crippen LogP contributions of atoms
- Estate indices
- TPSA contributions
- LabuteASA contributions
- Changed the default experiment ``generate_molecule_dataset_from_csv.py`` to now use these additional
atom/node features for the default Processing implementation.
Overhaul of the dataset writing and reading process. The main difference is that I added support for
*dataset chunking*. Previously a dataset would consist of a single folder which would directly contain all
the files for the individual dataset elements. For large datasets these folders would become very large and
thus inefficient for the filesystem to handle. With dataset chunking, the dataset can be split into multiple
sub folders that contain a max. number of elements each thus hopefully increasing the efficiency.
- Added ``data.DatasetReaderBase`` class, which contains the base implementation of reading a dataset from
the persistent folder representation into the index_data_map. This class now supports the dataset
chunking feature.
- Added ``data.VisualGraphDatasetReader`` which implements this for the basic dataset format that
represents each element as a JSON and PNG file.
- Added ``data.DatasetWriterBase`` class, which contains the base implementation of writing a dataset from
a data structure representation into the folder. This class now supports the dataset chunking feature.
- Added ``data.VisualGraphDatasetWriter`` which implements this for the basic dataset format where
a metadata dict and a mpl Figure instance are turned into a JSON and PNG file.
- Changed the ``processing.molecule.MoleculeProcessing`` class to now also support a DatasetWriter instance
as an optional argument to make use of the dataset chunking feature during the dataset creation process.
Introduction of COGILES (Color Graph Input Line Entry System) which is a method of specifying colored graphs
with a simple human-readable string syntax, which is strongly inspired by SMILES for molecular graphs.
- Added ``generate.colors.graph_from_cogiles``
- Added ``generate.colors.graph_to_cogiles``
- I think I finally solved the performance issue in ``generate_molecule_dataset_from_csv.py``. Previously
there was an issue where the avg write speed would rapidly decline for a large dataset, causing the
process to take way too long. I *think* the problem was the matplotlib cache in the end
- Also changed ``visualize_graph_from_mol`` and made some optimizations there. It no longer relies on
the creation of intermediate files and no temp dir either, which shaved of a few ms of computational time.