What's changed
* feat(vis): align visual appearance, rotate bar plot axis labels, add vis hooks, remove raincloud plot (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/293)
* feat(vis-violin): violin vis subcategories and proper facets (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/331)
* feat: add console integration for Sentry (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/347)
* feat: add boxplot vis type (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/302)
* deps: upgrade deps to latest versions (20240611) (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/344)
* feat(vis): add column description to selects and pills (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/358)
* feat: lazy load plotly where possible (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/346)
* feat: add BlurredOverlay component (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/359)
* Fix: export vis color and fix y-axis label (https://github.com/datavisyn/visyn_core/pull/360)