- Refactor Manager configuration defaults - Throw an error if simulation attempts to use a component that is not an instance of Component - Refactor and simplify LookupTable implementations - Enable LookupTable to have source data that is only categorical - Enable LookupTables with DataFrame source data to specify value columns
- Enable RandomnessStream to sample from a distribution - Refactor `ComponentConfigurationParser` to create components as they are parsed
- Remove explicit support for Python 3.8 - Set default value for ConfigNode::get_value to None
- Set pipeline's returned Series' name to the pipeline's name
- Create `Component` and `Manager` classes - Ensure all managers and components inherit from them - Define properties in `Component` that components can override - Define lifecycle methods in `Component` that components override - Refactor all components in vivarium to use and leverage`Component` - Warn when using components not inheriting from `Component` - Change the behavior of `State.add_transition` to take a Transition object rather than another State - Add optional argument to State constructor to allow self transitions