- Remove warning message if not all registered pages are used in `Navigation` ([117](
- Add plotly layout template for waterfall chart type ([106](
- Add CSS default styling for `textarea` ([106](
- Provide ID to unique outer HTML divs on page ([111](
- Enable turning off `marks` when `step` is defined in `Slider` and `RangeSlider` ([115](
- Autopopulate `navigation.pages` with registered pages during `Dashboard` validation if `navigation.pages = None` ([117](
- Update warning for duplicated IDs in `data_manager` and `model_manager` to now recommend `Vizro._reset()` as a potential fix when working in a Jupyter notebook ([120](
- If the `targets` argument in the `export_data` action function is specified as `"falsy"` value (`None`, `[]`), triggering the action will result in the same outcome as if the argument were not set, exporting data from all charts on the current page. ([93](
- Fix alignment between control panel, dashboard title and page title ([106](
- `CapturedCallable` now handles variadic keywords arguments (`**kwargs`) correctly ([121](
- Bump babel/traverse from 7.22.20 to 7.23.2 ([118](
<a id='changelog-0.1.4'></a>