- Replace `ServiceAsync` with `Service`. - For all async calls using `await/asyncio`, append `_async` to the method name. For example, `search(...)` becomes `search_async(...)`.
Changes: - Adding `get_popular()` and `get_recommendations()` to methods; - Adding custom logger supports as `set_logger()` to `Service`s and as `DI` to `TR`/`TRA`; - Adding parameters to base logger as `console` and `file` options; - Change logger's factory def name to `create_logger()`; - Adding example to use `logger`; - Fix versions of dependencies for safe; - Fix possible errors for collections and iterable entities; - Fix small typos; - Updating docs via mkdocs.
Changes: - Add `UserInfo` to `vkpymusic.models`; - Create new `Converter` from `Response` to `UserInfo`; - Change logic `Service(Async).get_user_info()` from 3 fields to all fields; - `TokenReceiver(Async)` methods now have open methods for auth step by step; - Add docs for `TR(Async)`.
Changes: - Refactor; - Add fields for `model`s for `pydantic`; - Add fiels `followers` for `Playlist`, that show count of adding playlist; - Update `LICENSE`
Changes: - Fix error with `Playlist` without `photo`
Changes: - Add token validation in `Service` and `ServiceAsync`; - Add static token validation; - Add `.get_user_info()` in `Service` and `ServiceAsync`; - Refactor function's names to `snake_case`; - Update `example`; - Update `docs`.