New features:
- In concept scheme sheet creator can now be ORCID, ROR ID or a predefined string; publisher can be ROR ID or a predefined string (for example `NFDI4Cat`) 120, 151
- Support for two environment variables was added. If present they will be used with highest preference. 148
- `VOC4CAT_MODIFIED` - Can be used to supply a modified date.
- `VOC4CAT_VERSION` - version string; it must start with "v".
- voc4cat detects if it runs in gh-actions. In gh-actions it clears the modified date to avoid tracking its changes with git. 148
- In concept scheme sheet, modified date and version are now optional. 148
- Update notes xlsx-template and example files. 152
- Use rotating logfiles instead of single file by default. 149, 150
Bug fixes:
- Modified date of concept scheme was not transferred from xlsx to rdf. 147, 148