What's Changed
* Create python library structure by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/1
* Ordinal election by Wolokin in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/2
* K-borda method for choosing committee by msluszniak in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/3
* Filip/voting/bloc by Wolokin in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/5
* Change supported python versions to 3.9 by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/6
* SNTV rule by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/7
* Filip/rules/chamberlin courant brute force by Wolokin in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/9
* Filip/structure/generic brute by Wolokin in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/8
* Greedy CC by msluszniak in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/10
* Fix k-borda rule by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/18
* Prepare testing environment by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/17
* Library structure refactor by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/16
* Main rule functions automatically gets `OrdinalElection` by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/21
* Fix K-Borda by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/23
* Fix Chamberlin-Courant rule by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/24
* Filip/rules/chamberlin courant ilp by Wolokin in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/12
* P Algorithm and Greedy Monroe adaptation to infrastruction by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/22
* Filip/rules/owa ilp by Wolokin in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/20
* Add visualization by msluszniak in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/25
* Structure listing by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/28
* Structure reorganization by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/29
* Remove dummy algorithms by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/30
* Apply library structure for the SNTV rule by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/31
* Add selves to docstring examples by msluszniak in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/32
* Rewrite bloc to the new structure by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/33
* Ilp structure integration by Wolokin in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/27
* Add predefined owa rules by msluszniak in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/34
* Implement Basin Hopping by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/11
* Add `impl` suffix to all rules files by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/35
* Remove `base` and `generic` prefixes from the algorithms files by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/36
* Consistent docs and typings by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/37
* Better readme with the usage guide by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/38
* Replace `impl` suffix with `rule` suffix by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/39
* Include implicitly packages by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/41
* Fix ilp import and python version by msluszniak in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/42
* Describe implementation of the voting rules by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/43
* Rules without algorithm but with implementation have default None algorithm by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/40
* Load preflib by Janix4000 in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/45
New Contributors
* Janix4000 made their first contribution in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/1
* Wolokin made their first contribution in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/2
* msluszniak made their first contribution in https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/pull/3
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Janix4000/votepy/commits/v0.0.1