vro-package-diff is now a Pypi hosted project
- ``vro-package-diff`` is now a Pypi hosted project:
`vro-package-diff` and so, can be installed with ``pip install``
- An endpoit ``vro-diff`` to access to the tool from any path location.
- Usage of click to manage:
- inputs packages
- help
- legend display
- test feature
- A *test* feature
- Documentation is hosted on `vro-package-diff.readthedocs.io`
- `Travis pipeline`
.. vro-package-diff: https://pypi.org/project/vro-package-diff/
.. ``click``: https://click.palletsprojects.com/
.. vro-package-diff.readthedocs.io: https://vro-package-diff.readthedocs.io
.. Travis pipeline: https://travis-ci.org/lrivallain/vro-package-diff/