- implemented proper deletion of named and un-named instances for node.js
- a new PRC message, indicating end of proxy
- events for `VrpcRemote` indicating changes of remote agents or classes
- initial set of javadoc-style public function documentation
- full adapter interface to c++ implementation
- improper asynchronicity of `serve` method in `VrpcAgent`
- broken event handling using `on` when used on several named instance proxies
- property `class` to `className` in class info RPC message
- renamed `callRemote` to `call` in `VrpcAdapter.js` and `addon.cpp`
- made several functions public in VrpcAdapter for usage as local factory
- adapted public interface of VrpcLocal to be in sync with VrpcRemote
- special function `__deleteNamed__`, turned out that `__delete__` suffices