What's Changed
* Added notebook for Colab; updated README to include both notebooks for macos and ubuntu by andreped in https://github.com/andreped/vsi2tif/pull/36
* Configured PyPI release by andreped in https://github.com/andreped/vsi2tif/pull/37
* Added missing PyPI badges to README by andreped in https://github.com/andreped/vsi2tif/pull/38
* Fix action deprecation by andreped in https://github.com/andreped/vsi2tif/pull/41
* Added QoL options by dbouget in https://github.com/andreped/vsi2tif/pull/40
* Bump v0.1.6; README updates by andreped in https://github.com/andreped/vsi2tif/pull/42
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/andreped/vsi2tif/compare/v0.1.5...v0.1.6