* Fix variable naming in multi class case. * Some doc fixes. * Start on NaN and Infinity on databases. * More tests.
* Fix z-split annotation issue. * Change designTreatmentsZ() defaults. * Documentation fixes. * Multiclass treatments. * Simple treatments. * Fix CRAN Note on pre 3.5.0 R parallel usage.
* Smooth catP novel levels scoring a bit. * Fix check error on parallel::getDefaultCluster()
* Fix issue 19. * Do not use NULL to signal when parallelism is desired.
* default data.table merging on (may be a performance regression to not set this). * rqdatatable treatment path. * better formatting. * add extracols argument to prepare(). * Improve regexps.
* Translate treatment plans to rquery. * Minor documentation improvements. * Improve error messages on argument checking. * Improve name generation (remove dots). * Remove dplyr dependence.