* Differentiate between unused classes and functions (thanks RJ722). * Add --sort-by-size option (thanks jackric and RJ722). * Count imports as used if they are accessed as module attributes.
* Automatically include whitelists based on imported modules (thanks RJ722). * Add --version parameter (thanks RJ722). * Add appveyor tests for testing on Windows (thanks RJ722).
* Add stub whitelist file for Python standard library (thanks RJ722) * Ignore class names starting with "Test" in "test\_" files (thanks thisch). * Ignore "test\_" functions only in "test\_" files.
* Ignore star-imported names since we cannot detect whether they are used. * Move repository to GitHub.
* Detect unused imports. * Use tokenize.open() on Python \>= 3.2 for reading input files, assume UTF-8 encoding on older Python versions.
* Use the system's default encoding when reading files. * Report syntax errors instead of aborting.