- user impersonation feature. - add optional parameter `user_web_token` to `Vault`. if passed in, this optional parameter will be used to authenticate on behalf of the user that the `user_web_token` belongs to (user impersonation). if not passed in, then vv will authenticate on behalf of the user that the `client_id` and `client_secret` belong to. - enhance `UserService` unittest with user impersonation.
- fix issue where user creation was failing in `SiteService.create_site_user`, and `UserService.create_user`. - additional `SiteService` and `UserService` unittests. - add `setup_test_suite` to allow `VVRestTestSuite` to be ran against any VisualVault environment. - add `settings.py` to `tests`. - add additional test utilities to `tests/utilities.py`. - refactor all unittests to get test parameters from `parameters.json`. - unittest `coverage` increase. - add `CONTRIBUTING.md`.
- add `unittest` coverage for `FormService`. - move `FormService.get_form_instances_search` functionality to `FormService.get_form_instances`. - remove `FormService.get_form_instances_search`. - add additional optional parameter `query` to `FormService.get_form_instances`.
- update dependencies for `PyPI` packaging so `README` can be rendered properly as project description in `markdown`. - the following `services` were added/removed because a `REST` client should return a `FileStream` instead of downloading files. `IMO` it should be up to the subscriber of the `API` to do with the `FileStream` as they wish. - services added: - `FormService.get_form_instance_pdf_file_stream` - `FileService.get_file_stream` - `FileService.get_file_stream_by_search` - services removed: - `FormService.form_instance_pdf_download` - `FileService.file_download` - `FileService.file_download_by_search` - added/removed `unittests` - fix white space / tab issue (PEP8) on `FormService` - update `README` with getting started `documentation`
- supports `python2` - not a `PyPI` package - supports the following general endpoints: `emails`, `documents`, `files`, `folders`, `forminstance`, `formtemplates`, `groups`, `indexfields`, `sites`, and `users`.