
Latest version: v2.22.4

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_Hang on, you only made a single commit and the last release was like only 7 hours ago!??_


But there was a bug with explicit vectorisation in v2.5.0

(there's also a new issue label for v2.5.x+, because of the reworked modifiers)


What's New?

- Modifiers can now collect other modifiers ([Try it Online!](https://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=5%206%E2%80%A1%E2%82%8C*%C4%A1%E1%B8%AD%20d&inputs=&header=&footer=))
- Added Vylight (syntax highlighting) to the online interpreter
- hyper-neutrino added a better string compressor
- Fixed some other generator/vectorisation stuff


What's New?

_The release where I use really cool functions written by cgccuser_

- ÞD (a: list) = diagonals of a - starts with main diagonal.
- ÞS (a: any) = sublists(a)
- ÞṪ (a: list, b: any) = transpose(a, filler=b) Transpose with filler
- Þ℅ (a: any) = random permutation of a (but faster than Ṗ℅)
- Þ• (a: list, b: list) = dot product of a and b
- ÞṀ (a: list, b: list) = matrix multiply a and b
- ÞḊ (a: list) = matrix determinant of a
- Þ/ (a: list) = the main diagonal of a
- Þ\ (a: list) = the anti-diagonal of a
- ÞR (a: list, b: function) = reduce rows of a by function b
- ÞC (a: list, b: function) = reduce columns of a by function b


_yeah, I really need to stop waiting 150 commits before making a release. Someone ping me earlier next time._

What's New/What's Changed

(Spoiler: A lot)

- Lambda signatures were a tiny bit broken. Now they aren't. Very epic.
- Added `ÞṪ` digraph, which does "transpose with filler"
- 65
- There was an issue with making web requests due to encoding issues. But luckily there aren't encoding issues now. How wonderful.
- functionality of `q` was changed to make it the inverse of "eval as vyxal" (66)
- more constant digraphs (very cool)
- 67
- ysthakur got item 69 (nice)
- prepending was a bit of a sussy baka, so I ejected it and got a new crewmate instead. (btw it still does prepend)
- Once upon a time when you tried to flatten Generators, things weren't good. But then all of a sudden they are.
- Divmod is now fixed.
- List palindromising
- 74 and 75
- Fixed the parsing of two-character strings
- You can mirror things vertically now
- you can also check for non-vectorising equality better now too
- `²` now works properly on strings
- `0` apparently isn't positive. 93
- Added a lot of constants.
- the round number and ln function were also changed

In summary, 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

(the above generated with [`65 97ṡ\vpṄ`](https://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=65%2097%E1%B9%A1%5C%23vp%E1%B9%84&inputs=&header=&footer=))

I probably miss a fair bit, but this is the most pertinent stuff imo.


What's New
_This is the release where AMiller42 made things much better_

- Added dedicated prefixes command. Sadly, `K` no longer vectorises by default.
- Added cumulative reduce overload of `r`
- Mold (`•` list-list overload) and Assign (`Ȧ`) no longer modify the original object they were passed. That was a stupid bug
- `Ẋ` now plays nice with strings
- `p` now prepends two things. `øp` now has `p`'s old functionality
- `¨, (a: any) = print(a, end=" ")`
- `¨… = print(stack[-1], end=" ")`
- Yes I really did just straight up copy paste the above two dot points from elements.txt
- `İ` will now "repeat funciton b on a while the function results are not-unique" if given a function as one of its arguments.
- `ẋ` is now a little nicer when applied to numbers
- You can now press `ctrl+enter` on the online interpreter to make the code do the run. (AMiller42 did that because I had no clue how to)
- Safe evaluation is finally actually good. Very nice.


What's New?
_This is the first release since Vyxal got LoTM for May 2021_

- `∆Ṙ` returns a random float in the range (0, 1)
- `x` now calls the current function that control flow is in (allowing for easier recursion)
- The online interpreter now supports sessions (however, pythonanywhere - the hosting service I use - doesn't allow for mulithreading, so sessions don't work on the official online interpreter)
- `¨M` performs map at indicies
- `øṙ` now does regex replacement/gsub
- `-D` flag makes it so that strings do not perform dictionary compression (thanks AMiller42)
- `ÞS` now returns all sublists of a vector

Other Fixes

- `Ė` didn't push its results onto the stack for non-string values. That's fixed
- `M` is now reversible (when used for mapping, it doesn't matter which order the function and vector are passed)
- Lambdas no long use `time.time()` for generating function names (turns out the transpilation process happens too quick for any real time to pass).
- `†` is now pervasive (read: keeps going until it reaches numbers and strings inside a list)
- `b` now returns a list of bits instead of a string
- Turns out `ƈ` (nCr) was actually never implemented for the `Number, Number` overload. It is now.
- Generators are now yes% better
- So is vectorisation

There's probably more stuff I've missed.

39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61

(the above generated using `\ 39 61ṡ+‛, j` _[Try it Online!](http://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=%5C%23%2039%2061%E1%B9%A1%2B%E2%80%9B%2C%20j&inputs=&header=&footer=)_)

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