First release.
3 tests added:
1. - a bot joins and does nothing.
2. - a bot joins and repeats all messages.
3. - a bot joins and says "Hi!" to everyone who joins.
Added classes:
1. User
2. Client
User class:
1. is_staff() -> bool: Check if the user is a staff member of Windows 96.
2. session_id, user_id properties
3. color property
4. flags property
Client class:
1. rename() -> None: Rename the bot which already joined
2. send_text_message(text: str) -> None: Send a text message
3. on_text_message, on_user_join, on_user_leave, on_user_change: Override those in a subclass of Client, and the functions will be called when an event happens.
4. on_online_users_update: If the online user list was bulk updated. This event happens when the bot connected, reconnected, and after calling update_online_users
5. run() and stop(): Starts and stops the bot. run() is not blocking, if the program exits after calling run() the bot will exit too.
6. update_online_users(): Request to bulk update the users list.