
Latest version: v0.11.1

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Following the [installation guide](https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail-ab-testing/#installation), add the new URL pattern into your ``urls.py`` (note this is a separate URL to the one used by the old Cloudflare worker).
And add the tracking script HTML tag to your base template

If you use the Cloudflare worker

Before deploying the update to 0.3, you must first update the code to match the [latest version in the readme](https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail-ab-testing/#running-ab-tests-on-a-site-that-uses-cloudflare-caching). Note that your A/B tests will temporarily stop working, but this shouldn't have any other impact on your site. They should start working again once you've deployed 0.3.

Remove the following URL pattern from your ``urls.py`` (note this is not the same pattern we added in the previous step!):

url(r'^abtestingapi/', include(ab_testing_api)),

And the following setting is no longer required, remove it if you have it in your settings:

'MODE': 'external',

[Unreleased]: https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail-ab-testing/compare/v0.6...main

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