- Whitelist `<hr>` and `<br>` tags ([33](https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail-markdown/pull/33)) - tm-kn - Fix compatibility for markdown panel in Wagtail 2.0 ([37](https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail-markdown/pull/37)) - rspeed
- Update simplemde to 1.11.2 ([31](https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail-markdown/pull/31)) - stuaxo - Update imports to work with Wagtail 2.0 ([31](https://github.com/torchbox/wagtail-markdown/pull/31)) - stuaxo - Fix packaging issues so static files are included in PyPI
- Fix problem with app loading - Make it compatible with newer versions of Wagtail that require `context` parameters in blocks' `render_basic` method. - Restructure app, refactor code. Add depreciation warnings.