* Updated FlatMenu listing in CMS to include a column for `site`, a filter for
`handle`, and a MenuItem count for each object. Also added default ordering,
and output the handle value in a `<code></code>` tag to make it stand out.
* Made it easier to develop and debug wagtailmenus locally, by running it as a
Django project. See CONTRIBUTING.md for instructions.
* Added a `get_for_site` class method to the FlatMenu model, to be consistent
with the MainMenu model, and renamed the `for_site` method on MainMenu to
`get_for_site` for consistency. `main_menu` and `flat_menu` tags now make use
of these.
* Fixed an minor bug in the `prime_menu_items` method, where a `depth`
value was hard-coded, instead of utilising the `SECTION_ROOT_LEVEL` setting.