
Latest version: v4.0.1

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* Improved confirmation messages when saving a menu in the admin area.
* Added a new test to submit the `MainMenu` edit form and check that
it behaves as expected.
* Added some styles to menu add/edit/copy views to improve the UI.
* Added a new `context_processor` to handle some of the logic that was
previously being done in template tags. Django's `SimpleLazyObject` class is
used to reduce the overhead as much as possible, only doing the work when the
values are accessed by menu tags.
developers to disable the 'guess tree position from path' functionality
that comes into play when serving custom views, where the `before_serve_page`
hook isn't activated, and `wagtailmenu_params_helper()` in `wagtail_hooks.py`
doesn't get to add it's helpful values to the request/context.
* Updated tox environment settings to run tests against wagtail==1.7, and
updated pinned wagtail version in `setup.py` to reflect compatibility.
* Added unicode support for python 2.7 and added missing verbose_names to
fields so that they can be translated (Alexey Krasnov & Andy Babic).
* Added support for a `WAGTAILMENUS_FLAT_MENUS_HANDLE_CHOICES` setting that, if
set, will turn the `CharField` used for FlatMenu.handle in add/edit/copy
forms into a `ChoiceField`, with that setting as the available choices.



* `MenuPage.has_submenu_items()` is now only ever called if
`check_for_children` is True in `menu_tags.prime_menu_items()`.
This way, the `max_levels` value supplied to the original menu tag is always
respected, with no additional levels ever being rendered.
The `check_for_chilren` value passed to `has_submenu_items()` is now always
True. Since removing would add breaking changes, it will be removed in a
later feature release.
* Fixed a migration-related issue that was Django to create new migrations for
the app.
* Fixed an issue where not all help text was marked for translation.



* Updated FlatMenu listing in CMS to only show site column and filters if menus
are defined for more than one site.
* Added the `fall_back_to_default_site_menus` option to the `flat_menu` tag, to
allow flat menus defined for the default site to be used as fall-backs, in
cases where the 'current' site doesn't have its own menus set up with the
specified handle.
* Added a custom ValidationError to FlatMenu's `clean()` method that better
handles the `unique_together` rule that applied to `site` and `handle`
* Added the ability to copy/duplicate existing FlatMenu objects between sites
(or to the same site with a different handle) via Wagtail's admin area. The
'Copy' button appears in the listing for anyone with 'add' permission, and
the view allows the user to make changes before anything is saved.
* Apply `active` classes to menu items that link to custom URLs (if
`request.path` and `link_url` are exact matches).
* Added a `handle` to `MenuItem` model to provide a string which can be
used to do specific matching of menu items in the template. (Tim Leguijt)



* Updated FlatMenu listing in CMS to include a column for `site`, a filter for
`handle`, and a MenuItem count for each object. Also added default ordering,
and output the handle value in a `<code></code>` tag to make it stand out.
* Made it easier to develop and debug wagtailmenus locally, by running it as a
Django project. See CONTRIBUTING.md for instructions.
* Added a `get_for_site` class method to the FlatMenu model, to be consistent
with the MainMenu model, and renamed the `for_site` method on MainMenu to
`get_for_site` for consistency. `main_menu` and `flat_menu` tags now make use
of these.
* Fixed an minor bug in the `prime_menu_items` method, where a `depth`
value was hard-coded, instead of utilising the `SECTION_ROOT_LEVEL` setting.



* Added a `has_submenu_items()` method to `MenuPage` model to compliment
`modify_submenu_items()` in version 1.3. Allows for far better control and
consistency when overriding `modify_submenu_items()` to add additional
menu items for specific page types.
* Added a `sub_menu_template` option to `main_menu`, `section_menu`,
`flat_menu` and `children_menu` that will be automatically picked up by the
`sub_menu` tag and used as the template (if no `template` value is provided).
* Added a `fetch_specific_pages` option to all template tags, that if True,
will used PageQuerySet's `specific()` method to return instances of the
most specific page-type model as menu items, instead of just vanilla `Page`
* Added settings to allow default `fetch_specific_pages` value to be
altered for each individual menu tag.
* If `fetch_specific_pages` is True, `prime_menu_items` will call the
`relative_url` method on the specific page to determine a menu item's `href`
value, meaning overrides to that method will be respected.



* Configured additional tox test environments for Wagtail>=1.6 with Django=1.9
and 1.10.
* Extended the 'section matching by path' functionality added in 1.3.0 to
also identify a 'current page' if the found page matches the exact path.
* Added further tests for path matching.
* Reduced the number of unnecessary calls to `Page.specific` in `menu_tags.py`
where possible.

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