- Force file path to use system path separator. - Handle exception from Python system library read permission problem.
- Prevent encoding errors when logging files with special characters. - Upgrade pytz to v2016.6.1. - Upgrade requests to v2.11.1. - Upgrade simplejson to v3.8.2. - Upgrade tzlocal to v1.2.2.
- Handle unknown exceptions from requests library by deleting cached session object because it could be from a previous conflicting version. - New hostname setting in config file to set machine hostname. Hostname argument takes priority over hostname from config file. - Prevent logging unrelated exception when logging tracebacks.
- Use correct namespace for pygments.lexers.ClassNotFound exception so it is caught when dependency detection not available for a language.
- Upgrade pygments to v2.1.3 for better language coverage.
- Upgrade urllib3 to master version to fix bug causing unhandled retry exceptions. - Prevent tracking git branch with detached head.