**Potential Breaking Change:** due to changes in 136, `awatch` and therefore `arun_process` can nolonger catch and suppress `KeyboardInterupt`, you may need to catch this error where you call `asyncio.run()` or equivilant.
What's Changed
* Update docs for conda install by davidbrochart in 124
* fix file renaming on macOS 123
* remove redundant `wheel` requirement from `pyproject.toml` by mgorny in 126
* Build manylinux2014 wheels for CentOS 7 support by TBBle in 131
* uprev crossbeam and pyo3 133
* ~~add `exit_on_signal` option 132~~ (superseded completely by 136)
* Force polling 135
* uprev some actions 140
* Suggestion: add one CLI usage example up-front by hangtwenty in 141
* Changes to how signals are caught and handled in `awatch` by justvanrossum in 136
New Contributors
* mgorny made their first contribution in 126
* TBBle made their first contribution in 131
* hangtwenty made their first contribution in 141
* justvanrossum made their first contribution in 136
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/samuelcolvin/watchfiles/compare/v0.13...v0.14