- Now uses `pkg_resources` as the default method for getting version numbers. - Fixes a whitespace bug when printing the timezone.
v.1.8.2 - When no Python library was imported and the `--iversion` is used, print an empty string instead of raising an error.
- Fixes string alignment issues when the `-iv`/`--iversion` flag is used.
- The `-iv`/`--iversion` flag now also shows package versions that were imported as `from X import Y` and `import X.Y as Y`. For example,
python import scipy as sp from sklearn import metrics import numpy.linalg as linalg
%watermark --iversions
will return
(Via contribution by [James Myatt]( https://github.com/jamesmyat)t)
- Shows "not installed" for version of packages/modules that cannot be imported. - Shows "unknown" for version of packages/modules when version attribute cannot be found. - Add Python 3.6 and 3.7 to Travis CI builds. - Add classifiers to setuptools configuration.
Adds a new `-b`/`--gitbranch` parameter that prints the current Git branch.