
Latest version: v0.3.3

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**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/compare/v0.2.4...v0.2.5



These are minor changes in ``v0.2.3`` that shows fugs fixed, features and improvements.

- |API change| Change performed in :mod:`watex.geology.core`. The class ``Base`` is renamed as :class:`watex.geology.core.GeoBase`.

- |Fix| Bug fixed in :func:`watex.utils.plot_logging` when imputing NaN values in the data. Indeed, henceforth all the column of the data
that is composed entirely with NaN is removed automatically. This fixes the bug occurs in when the scaled feature dimension are higher than the
original ones.

- |Fix| Bug fixed in :func:`watex.utils.to_numeric_dtypes` when sanitizing the dataframe with integer columns. In such case, the data sanitizing
is not possible. It henceforth passes rather than raising error. However when column are mixed ( numeric and string ), all should be
converted to string before sanitization.

- |Feature| :class:`watex.geology.drilling.DSBorehole` works with data collected in a single borehole. For instance, the arrangement
of ``h502`` data in :func:`watex.datasets.load_hlogs`. Data columns are the all attributes of the object and any non-alphateic character
is replaced by ``_``. For instance, a column name ``layer thickness`` should have an attribute named ``layer_thickness``.

- |Feature| :class:`watex.geology.drilling.DSBoreholes` works similarly as :class:`watex.geology.drilling.DSBorehole` but uses multiple
borehole data. note the ``'s'`` at the end of the class. Here, each borehole (row) is an object which encompasses all columns as attributes.
To have full control of how data must be retrieved as an object, ``holeid`` parameter must be set. For instance, to retrieve the borehole
with ID equals to `bx02`, after fitting the class with appropriate parameters, attibute `hole depth` ( if exist in the data) can be retrieved
as ``self.hole.bx02.hole_depth``.

- |Feature| Add :func:`watex.utils.funcutils.replace_data` to replace items in the data `n-` times. This is useful for data duplication

- |Feature| add :class:`watex.utils.funcutils.make_obj_consistent_if`. Function combine default values to item to create default consistent
iterable objects. This is valid if the size of item does not fit the number of expected iterable objects. Commonly this work in synergy with

- |Feature| :func:`watex.utils.funcutils.convert_value_in` converts value based on the reference unit. Mostly used the known SI units like
`meters (m) `, `grammes (g)` etc.

- |Enhancement| Supplement boreholes data are added to :func:`watex.datasets.load_hlogs`. They include boreholes ``'h805' ,'h1102' ,'h1405', 'h2602','h803',
'h1104', 'h604', 'h2003'`` and ``'h1602'``.

- |Enhancement| Function :func:`watex.utils.to_numeric_dtypes` accepts `drop_nan_columns` passed as ``True`` by default with dropped the NaN rows
and NaN columns in the data. Moreover, ``reset_index`` and ``drop_index`` are available to new data index management.

- |Enhancement| Function :func:`watex.datasets.load_mxs` enforces attribute ``X`` and ``y`` when object is retrieved. For instance, fetching the
the training set scaled ``X`` should be:

.. code-block:: python

>>> import watex as wx
>>> X_scaled = wx.datasets.load_mxs (key ='scale').X
>>> or by merely calling the boilerplate `fetch_data` function as
>>> X_scaled =wx.fetch_data ('mxs', key ='scale').X

It also accepts `test_ratio` to split the training and test sets via ``split_X_y=True``. Note that ``return_X_y=True`` is not necessary when
`split_X_y` is set to ``True``.

- |Enhancement | :class:`watex.transformers.featurize_X` accepts `model` as parameter. It is useful to featurize the test data separately
from the train data to avoid leakage information. If `sparse` parameter is set to ``True``, the training and testing data are outputted in sparse coordinates format
or compressed sparse row format that is controlled by the `sparsity` parameter.


What's Changed
* Add new QC function applicable outside the EM processing QC method by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/172
* fix buffering frequency and deprecate single EDI reading- update in … by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/173
* redirect older release not to archive - update readme by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/174
* redirect the older releases to the archive-update readme by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/175
* update URL and target of zenodo record DOI by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/176
* Format Profile elevation warning message by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/177
* API change of _io module in datasets subpackage to module io by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/178
* New features ZC and Profile for tensor corrections and Profile data manipulations by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/179
* fix pickling modules using importlib.resouces. by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/180
* use importlib resources to fix the path of pkl files for doc build by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/181
* fix missing pickling module by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/182
* 0.1.9 by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/184
* fix switcher in doc build by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/185
* Uncomment the computing_resistivity_phase by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/186
* update ipykernel for building the doc by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/187
* use ydata-profiling back to version 3.6.1 for building the doc by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/188
* remove ydata profiling in building examples by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/189
* update release by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/190
* skip reading EDI when passed as a list by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/191
* fix test in electrical resistivity Profiling by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/192
* upload release v0.2.0 by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/193
* Improve the appareance in litteral code in doc by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/194
* Improve the appearance in litteral code in doc by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/195
* fix issue in code literal appearance in the doc by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/196
* sanitize the literal code by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/197
* Sanitize the literal code (197) by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/198
* Develop by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/199
* Develop by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/200
* Develop by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/201
* Develop by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/202
* Add version control in latest development by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/203
* update version 0.2.2 by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/204
* Update switcher version ( 204 ) by WEgeophysics in https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/pull/205

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3


**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2


**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1


**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/compare/v0.1.9...v0.2.0

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