
Latest version: v63.1

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Released on 2013-04-30.

Bug fix release:

* Fix incorrect intrinsic width calculation
leading to unnecessary line breaks in floats, tables, etc.
* Tweak border painting to look better
* Fix unnecessary page break before big tables.
* Fix table row overflowing at the bottom of the page
when there are margins above the table.
* Fix ``position: fixed`` to actually repeat on every page.
* Fix `76 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/76>`_:
repeat ``<thead>`` and ``<tfoot>`` elements on every page,
even with table border collapsing.



Released on 2013-04-18.

* Add support for ``linear-gradient()`` and ``radial-gradient``
in background images.
* Add support for the ``ex`` and ``ch`` length units.
(``1ex`` is based on the font instead of being always ``0.5em`` as before.)
* Add experimental support for Level 4 hyphenation properties.
* Drop support for CFFI < 0.6 and cairocffi < 0.4.
* Many bug fixes, including:

* Fix `54 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/54>`_:
min/max-width/height on block-level images.
* Fix `71 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/71>`_:
Crash when parsing nested functional notation.



Released on 2013-03-30.

* Add support for Level 3 backgrounds,
including multiple background layers per element/box.
* Forward-compatibility with (future releases of) cairocffi 0.4+ and CFFI 0.6+.
* Bug fixes:

* Avoid some unnecessary line breaks
for elements sized based on their content (aka. “shrink-to-fit”)
such as floats and page headers.
* Allow page breaks between empty blocks.
* Fix `66 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/66>`_:
Resolve images’ auto width from non-auto height and intrinsic ratio.
* Fix `21 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/21>`_:
The ``data:`` URL scheme is case-insensitive.
* Fix `53 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/53>`_:
Crash when backtracking for ``break-before/after: avoid``.



Released on 2013-03-18.

Bug fixes:

* Fix `41 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/41>`_:
GObject initialization when GDK-PixBuf is not installed.
* Fix `42 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/42>`_:
absolute URLs without a base URL (ie. document parsed from a string.)
* Fix some whitespace collapsing bugs.
* Fix absolutely-positioned elements inside inline elements.
* Fix URL escaping of image references from CSS.
* Fix `49 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/49>`_:
Division by 0 on dashed or dotted border smaller than one dot/dash.
* Fix `44 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/44>`_:
bad interaction of ``page-break-before/after: avoid`` and floats.



Released on 2013-02-27.

* Added `text hyphenation`_ with the ``-weasy-hyphens`` property.
* When a document includes JPEG images, embed them as JPEG in the PDF output.
This often results in smaller PDF file size
compared to the default *deflate* compression.
* Switched to using CFFI instead of PyGTK or PyGObject-introspection.
* Layout bug fixes:

- Correctly trim whitespace at the end of lines.
- Fix some cases with floats within inline content.

.. _text hyphenation: https://weasyprint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/features.html#css-text-module-level-3-4



Released on 2012-12-13.

* Add the ``zoom`` parameter to ``HTML.write_pdf`` and
``Document.write_pdf() <weasyprint.document.Document.write_pdf>``
* Fix compatibility with old (and buggy) pycairo versions.
WeasyPrint is now tested on 1.8.8 in addition to the latest.
* Fix layout bugs related to line trailing spaces.

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