
Latest version: v4.10.2

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This beta version fixes an issue with being unable to disable PQ once enabled



This beta version fixes a naming issue:
- All instances of ``quantitizer`` have been renamed to ``quantizer``



This version works best with Weaviate 1.23 which was released on 2023-12-18.

This beta version has breaking changes, a migration guide is available at https://www.weaviate.io/developers/weaviate/client-libraries/python#migration-guides:

- Refactor ``weaviate.classes`` structure
- Rename various classes and methods:
- In all vectorizer configuration methods: ``vectorize_class_name`` => ``vectorize_collection_name``
- ``object.metadata.creation_time_unix`` => ``object.metadata.creation_time`` which is now a datetime
- ``object.metadata.last_update_time_unix`` => ``object.metadata.last_update_time`` which is now a datetime
- ``MetadataQuery(creation_time_unix=.., last_update_time_unix= ..)`` => ``MetadataQuery(creation_time=.., last_update_time=..)``
- ``FromReference`` => ``QueryReference`` when querying references

- Splits out references from properties when creating, changing and querying collections
- UUID and UUID_ARRAY properties are now returned as typed UUID objects
- DATE and DATE_ARRAY properties are now returned as typed datetime objects
- ``vector_index_type``has been remove from ``collection.create()`` and is now determined automatically
- ``Configure.vector_index()`` has been moved to ``Configure.VectorIndex.hnsw()``
- PQ can now be configured using Configure.VectorIndex.hnsw(quantitizer=Configure.VectorIndex.Quantitizer.pq(..options..))
- ``object.metadata.vector`` was moved to ``object.vector`` and can be requested by using ``include_vector=True/False`` when querying
- ``object.metadata.uuid`` was moved to ``object.uuid`` and is always available
- Order of arguments in .data.update() and .replace() changed to accommodate not providing properties when updating.
- In .data.reference_add, .reference_delete and .reference_replace the ``ref`` keyword was renamed to ``to``
- In collections.create() and .get() the keyword to provide generics was renamed from ``data_model`` to ``data_model_properties``

New functionality includes:

- Adds backup functionality to v4 client (``client.backup``) and directly to the collection (``collection.backup``)
- Adds support for FLAT vector index
- Adds binary quantization for FLAT vector index
- Adds ``text2vec_jinaai`` static method to ``Configure.Vectorizer``
- Adds ``anyscale`` static method to ``Configure.Generative``
- Adds collection.batch for uploading to a single collection in batches
- Adds methods for creating a collection from dict and exporting a collection config as dict
- Adds support for geo-coordinates
- Adds metadata filtering with ``FilterMetadata``
- Adds ``client.graphql_raw_query`` to use Weaviate features that are not directly supported.
- Adds ``DataReferenceOneToMany`` which allows to add multiple references at once.
- Adds validation of input parameters for non-mypy users.
- Various performance improvements and bugfixes


This patch beta version includes:

- Performance improvements when making queries


This minor beta version includes:

- Adds support for connecting to WCS using the ``connect_to_wcs`` helper function
- Changes default ``num_workers`` in ``client.batch`` from ``1`` to Python's ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` default
- Adds ``text2vec-aws`` and ``generative-aws`` static methods to ``Configure.Vectorizer`` and ``Configure.Generative``
- Tidy up stale docstrings
- Add missing class exports


This patch beta version includes:

- Fixes to the ``dataclass`` types returned by aggregate queries

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