* New session store `MemoryStore`, used to save a session in memory.
Should be useful where there are limited fs writes to the disk, like
flash memories. 174
* Fixed: not support `samesite=none`. 592
* Fixed Python-3 compatibility issues: 574, 576.
* Support tuple and set in `sqlquote()`.
* Drop support for SQL driver `pgdb`. It was dead, you cannot even find its
website or download link.
* Drop support for SQL driver `psycopg`. The latest version was released in
2006 (14 years ago), please use `psycopg2` instead.
* Removed function `web.safemarkdown`. if it's used in your application, you
can install the `Markdown` module from pypi
(https://pypi.org/project/Markdown/), then replace `web.safemarkdown()` by