- Attempt to fix packaging to [workaround the new PyPi ZIP bomb check](https://github.com/pypi/warehouse/issues/13962). Enzyme ABI files no longer include AST data. - Add `fetch_vault_balances()` state reading balance support for Enzyme vaults.
- Add EIP-3009 `transferWithAuthorization` support. Related refactoring of EIP-3009 module.
- Fix: Token equality: `TokenDetails` does a logical comparison with chain id and address, instaed of object comparison. This makes TokenDetails good for ifs and hash maps. This adds `TokenDetails.__eq__` and `TokenDetails.__hash__`. - Fix `TradeSuccess.price` is in Python `Decimal` - Add: `TradeSucces.get_human_price(reverse_token_order: bool)`
- Add USDC (Centre FiatToken) - Add EIP-712 - Add EIP-3009 - Add `transferWithAuthorization` and `receivedWithAuthorization` - Add Enzyme vault USDC payment forwarder allowing single click purchases (no `approve` step) - Fix: Don't try to `trace_transaction` unless we know we are on Anvil - Add Aave v3 loan support in `eth_defi.aave_v3.loan` module
- Add: Enzyme's FundValueCalculator contract as part of the deployment