
Latest version: v0.4.2

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Major update to improve usability and robustness 🚀

Since v0.3.2, WebActogram v0.4.2 implements the following major changes:
* Support for way more browsers, on more platforms (eg, before Chrome was not supported on Linux!), and all profiles are now all extracted and merged automagically (thanks to the browser-history third-party module). The list of all supported browsers are [here](https://browser-history.readthedocs.io/en/latest/browsers.html).
* The older internal way of extracting browsers histories was nevertheless upgraded (speed was optimized, browsers support was completed and more default profiles are extracted - but not all contrary to browser-history) and is still available with the new `--legacy` flag.
* Can display the resulting actogram in a window just after generation (done by default but can be disabled). This uses Matplotlib, and hence should be crossplatform (this was preferred over opening the resulting image with the OS's default image viewer to be more reliable and independent from OS settings).
* All commandline arguments now have help messages to indicate what they are doing.
* The absolute paths where the actograms are saved is now displayed in the console (eases finding them!).
* Various bugfixes and lots of code comments were added to improve maintability!
* An easy to install Windows binary generated via pyInstaller is now available (see the files attached below!). Binaries for other platforms (MacOS and Linux) will follow in the future.

Roadmap for future releases:
* Autodetection of sleep patterns.
* Automated crossplatform pyInstaller binaries.
* (Much further into the future) Support for mobile devices histories.

Enjoy this release! Binaries and source package can be downloaded below.

NOTE: if you cannot find the .exe download on your computer, make sure that you explicitly accepted the download in your browser (eg, Chrome), as it may block it for safety and require you to go to the browser's downloads tab and accept manually the download (there is absolutely no risk, but if you are paranoid you can use the Python module instead, it's the exact same software).


🎊 First public release of WebActogram under this name (renamed from the original project online_actogram to be more memorable and pythonic), and first public release on PyPi as a standard Python package following the modern PEP-517 standard!

Hence, WebActogram can be installed on any Python 3.7+ install (you can use Miniconda3 for example) with a simple:

pip install webactogram

Then simply launch using the command that should be automatically registered in the terminal environment:


And voilà! Results should be in a newly created `actograms` subfolder in the current folder.

Other changes include:

* Support for Edge browser on Windows (many thanks to insipidlight !)
* Support for Firefox on all platforms (huge thanks to prplecake and Alliegaytor !)
* Various bugfixes and documentations (thanks to prplecake and insipidlight)
* And probably a few other things I forgot to mention!



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