* Reports have a new ``separate`` configuration option to split reports into one-per-job.
* ``url`` jobs without ``use_browser`` have a new ``retries`` directive to specify the number of times to retry a
job that errors before giving up. Using ``retries: 1`` or higher will often solve the ``('Connection aborted.',
ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))`` error received from a misconfigured server at the first
* ``remove_duplicates`` filter has a new ``adjacent`` sub-directive to de-duplicate non-adjacent lines or items.
* ``css`` and ``xpath`` have a new ``sort`` subfilter to sort matched elements lexicographically.
* Command line arguments:
* New ``--footnote`` to add a custom footnote to reports.
* New ``--change-location`` to keep job history when the ``url`` or ``command`` changes.
* ``--gc-database`` and ``--clean-database`` now have optional argument ``RETAIN-LIMIT`` to allow increasing
the number of retained snapshots from the default of 1.
* New ``--detailed-versions`` to display detailed version and system information, inclusive of the versions of
dependencies and, in certain Linux distributions (e.g. Debian), of system libraries. It also reports available
memory and disk space.
* ``command`` jobs now have improved error reporting which includes the error text from the failed command.
* ``--rollback-database`` now confirms the date (in ISO-8601 format) to roll back the database to and, if
**webchanges** is being run in interactive mode, the user will be asked for positive confirmation before proceeding
with the un-reversible deletion.
* Added `bandit <https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit>`__ testing to improve the security of code.
* ``headers`` are now turned into strings before being passed to Playwright (addresses the error
``playwright._impl._api_types.Error: extraHTTPHeaders[13].value: expected string, got number``).
* Exclude tests from being recognized as package during build (contributed by `Max
<https://github.com/aragon999>`__ in `#54 <https://github.com/mborsetti/webchanges/pull/54>`__).
* Refactored and cleaned up some tests.
* Initial testing with Python 3.12.0-rc1, but a reported bug in ``typing.TypeVar`` prevents the ``pyee`` dependency
of ``playwright`` from loading, causing a failure. Awaiting for fix in Python 3.12.0-rc2 to retry.