
Latest version: v2.3.3

Vulnerabilities (4)

CVE/PVE Vulnerability ID Advisory Affected versions Severity Severity Score
PVE-2021-40219 40219

Webscrapbook 0.39.0 fixes a security issue that may allow the user to…

  • <0.39.0
PVE-2021-38853 38853

Webscrapbook 0.27.0 dropped support of JavaScript when viewing a page…

  • <0.27.0
- -
PVE-2021-38854 38854

Webscrapbook 0.20.0 added content security policy restriction for ser…

  • <0.20.0
- -
PVE-2024-99828 65601

Affected versions of WebScrapBook, a backend toolkit for managing Web…

  • >=0,<0.39.0
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