* A complete example (contact extractor) is added to the repo;
* fixed a lot of issues in the annotated data;
* fixed loading of ``<title>`` annotations;
* all annotated data is converted from GATE to WebAnnotator format;
* text tokenizers allow to optionally return original token positions;
* converting text from tokenized to raw is now lossless;
* ``webstruct.webannotator.to_webannotator`` is rewritten;
* ``<script>``, ``<style>`` elements, HTML comments and processing
instructions are ignored when they are inside entities;
* tutorial is rewritten for CRFSuite;
* Wapiti support is fixed in Python 3;
* top-N parsing support when using Wapiti; an option to merge top N chains,
to increase recall;
* benchmarking script;
* don't declare Python 3.3 support (it is EOL).