* Added method :meth:`TestApp.request`, which can be used for
sending requests with different methods (e.g., ``MKCOL``). This
method sends all its keyword arguments to
:meth:`webtest.TestRequest.blank` and then executes the request.
The parameters are somewhat different than other methods (like
:meth:`webtest.TestApp.get`), as they match WebOb's attribute
names exactly (the other methods were written before WebOb existed).
* Removed the copying of stdout to stderr during requests.
* Fix file upload fields in forms (`340
<https://web.archive.org/web/20120516124643/http://trac.pythonpaste.org/pythonpaste/ticket/340>`_) -- you could
upload files with :meth:`webtest.TestApp.post`, but if you use
``resp.form`` file upload fields would not work (from rcs-comp.com
and Matthew Desmarais).