
Latest version: v0.8.5

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This is a semi-major update for `welleng`, hence the bump from v0.2.24 to 0.3.0.

There are now three flavors of `welleng` which are selected with extras tags. The default flavor has minimal dependencies and is quick and easy to install for creating or import well trajectories or surveys and for calculating wellbore uncertainties.

The `easy` tag will install all the `welleng` dependencies that do not rely on compiled dependencies and can be used for generating wellbore meshes and for visualizing them. This is installed with with:
pip install welleng[easy]

The `all` tag will install all the Python dependencies, but should only be installed after the compiled dependencies have been installed - see the `README.md` file for more details. This is installed with:
pip install welleng[all]

Be aware that if you have script installing `welleng` for your project then you may have to modify it to include the appropriate extras tag in order for it function as expected.

Good luck!


Minor updates:
- Added `wbp.yaml` to `setup.py`
- Added `kwargs` to `export_csv`
- Bumped version


- Fixed a bug in the csv export where a rogue row was being added.
- Added a param to allow user to set number of `decimals` in the csv export.
- Removed the `rtol` and `atol` params in the csv export and replaced with a single `tolerance` param which defines how close the final well position needs to be to the original survey (in meters) when minimizing the number of survey points - e.g. setting `tolerance=0.1` should export a csv file where the final position is within 0.1 meters of the original survey. The smaller this number, the fewer rows will likely be removed from the original survey.

Note that with this update, if you've previously used the `rtol` and `atol` params when exporting the csv file, that your code will need to be modified to continue to work from this version forward - but I don't consider this sufficient to justify a major version update.


A delta_dls property has been added to the Connector class as a more intuitive way of limiting iterations for connecting via a curve-hold-curve method, replacing the delta_radius property.


There was a tiny bug in the `_target_pos_and_vec_defined` method which has been fixed. This has significantly improved performance for this method, so the accuracy can be improved (if required) by modifying the `Connector` class property `delta_radius` to e.g. 1.0 (from the default value of 20.0).

This should also solve any recursive limit issues since solutions are now being found within << 100 iterations (on average less than 10).


When determining the minimum number of control points from a planned survey it can be advantageous to absorb short sections into longer ones. This is sometimes not desired, so now it can be explicitly controlled with a `dls_cont` parameter:

s_minimal = we.exchange.csv.export_csv(
rtol=0.1, default value is 0.1
atol=0.1, default value is 0.1
dls_cont=True force check for DLS continuity

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