
Latest version: v0.0.23

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- Fix issue with verbose outputs (percentages)
- Fixed issue with local sample data
- Add readthedocs documentation (update _generate_docs file and docs dir accordingly, including name)
- Update license file
- Change default output_crs to EPSG:5070 (USGS National Grid)
- Fix issues with inconsistent reprojection
- Make output_crs an inferred kwarg of w4h.run() instead of a specified kwarg
- Add w4h.version attribute
- Various (minor) formatting fixes (many for linting programs)


What's Changed
* Add readthedocs documentation (update _generate_docs file and docs dir accordingly, including name)
* Update license file
* Change default output_crs to EPSG:5070 (USGS National Grid)
* Fix issues with inconsistent reprojection
* Make output_crs an inferred kwarg of w4h.run() instead of a specified kwarg
* Add w4h.__version__ attribute
* Various (minor) formatting fixes (many for linting programs)

Automatically generated updates:
* merging by RJbalikian in https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/pull/21
* Minor updates, specifically for readthedocs by RJbalikian in https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/pull/22
* Outputs to CRS Used by USGS National Grid by default by RJbalikian in https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/pull/24
* Run fixes 2024 03 13 by RJbalikian in https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/pull/26

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/compare/v0.0.21...v0.0.22-dev


What's Changed
* Added development branch/prerelease verisons
* Allow multiple study_area input types
* Reproject all data first after reading it in (to output_crs, esp. when using w4h.run())
* Add more complete documentation to w4h.run() (accessible using help(w4h.run))
* Run reconfigure by RJbalikian in https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/pull/14
* fix issues with circular imports created at last commit by RJbalikian in https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/pull/16
* Dev by RJbalikian in https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/pull/19

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/compare/v0.0.19...v0.0.21


Updated some parameters in w4h.run() and tried to fix errors with sample data

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/RJbalikian/wells4hydrogeology/compare/v0.0.20-dev...v0.0.21-alpha


- Try to fix issues with results not interpolating correctly


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