- Load your well in feet! The number one most hated 'feature' has been 'fixed'... you can now pass the `index` argument to `Well.from_las()` or `Well.from_lasio()` to control how the index is interpreted. Use `'existing'` or `'original'` to keep whatever is specified in the LAS file (probably what you want). To convert to metres, use `'m'`; to convert to feet use `'ft'`.
- In the next point release, v0.5, we will change the default behaviour to `'original'`, so if you want to keep forcing to metres, you'll have to change your code to `Well.from_las(fname, index='m')`. There is a `FutureWarning` about this.
- The `Curve` object now has a `basis_units` attribute carrying this information. Either `'m'` or `'ft'`.
- See `tutorial/Well_depth_units_v0.4.7.ipynb`.
- Thank you to Kent Inverarity for implementing this long-hoped-for feature.