* Wflow\_sbm
* Improved soil evaporation and transpiration.
* Vertical unsaturated flow (iterations now based on fixed maximum change in soil water per iteration step).
* Interception before snow and glacier modules (total precipitation first intercepted), snow and glacier melt directy available for infiltration into the soil (no interception).
* CFMAX snow parameter now model timestep independent (conversion).
* Convergence criterium for the kinematic wave for subsurface flow changed (very large M model parameter values result in too many iterations).
* Removed RTC Tools 1.0 coupling.
* Reservoir module
* Time step max 6 hr (as Lake module), solved completely explicit (no averaging between time steps),
above spillway outflow 100%
* Lake module
* Bug in variablename: changed ReserVoirComplexLocs to LakeLocs
* Glacier modelling
* Updates in wflow\_sbm.py and wflow\_hbv.py
* Added a new map containing glacier IDs: wflow_glacierareas.map.
* Linking the glacier tbl properties (G\_TT, G\_Cfmax and G\_SIfrac ) to the glacier IDs map.
* Renaming the default names of the glacier maps to fit better the wflow schematization (wflow_glacierareas.map, wflow_glacierfrac.map and wflow_glacierstore.map).
* Wflow\_emwaq
* Better separation between the creation of the structure files and the dynamic files generated by the coupling (wflow\_sbm doesn’t need to run anymore to generate structure files).
* Possibility to add a Delwaq input file (.inp) from a template to the generated list of files.
* Possibility to add extra timers file for statistics computation in Delwaq (block 10 of the input file).
* Wflow\_sediment
* General update of the script to match the updates of wflow_sbm since beginning of 2019.
* Better separation of overland flow and river runoff using directly the input from wflow_sbm (RiverRunoff and LandRunoff instead of SurfaceRunoff).
* Added new schematization maps for river characteristics that were also incorporated in wflow_sbm (RiverSlope, wflow_riverlength, wflow_riverwidth).
* Added the possibility to iterate the river transport and processes equations.