=================== * Start per pmt truth info (369) * S1 pulse shape debug (381) * Save Geant4 primary position in truth (379) * XY-dependent SE gain and extraction efficiency (363) * Fix broken tests (375) * Added scaling of S2 AFT according to value from config (370) * Off by one in noise (364) * Update requirements-tests.txt (368) * Fix zenodo badge
=================== * Change default compressor (361) * Drift velocity maps using true interaction point (360)
=================== * No dependabot in WFSim (358) * AP probability for photons emitting double PE (340) * FDC quick fix (285) * SE shape: optical propagation + anode focusing (320) * Fix CIV and average drift velocity implementation (338) * Test with straxen 1.5.0 (337) * Sort afterpulses by channel (321) * Reduce warnings (317) * Test with latest straxen (322) * Up py version (316)
==================== * Save full truth output (288) * Bump strax(en) (303) * Use straxen833 (286) * Integrated testing and requirements (304, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294 295, 296, 297)