
Latest version: v0.8.0

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Technical changes
- Updates version of SocketIo for an update to Ringing Room. This is not backwards compatible and will only work once Ringing Room is updated.
- Drops support for Python 3.6


Technical changes
- Unpins the version of numpy to allow installing on Python 3.10+

What's Changed
* Add spacing in `--help` for Grandsire calls by kneasle in https://github.com/kneasle/wheatley/pull/211
* Bump numpy to 1.23.4 by kneasle in https://github.com/kneasle/wheatley/pull/213
* Bump certifi from 2020.4.5.2 to 2022.12.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/kneasle/wheatley/pull/215
* Test Python 3.6, 3.8, 3.11 on CI by kneasle in https://github.com/kneasle/wheatley/pull/214


User-facing changes

New features

- (159, thanks chrisjfield) Start ringing at a custom row (using `--start-row <row>`). This
doesn't work for CompLib compositions.
- (169, thanks aajshaw) Ring arbitrary place notation on a given stage (using
`--place-notation <stage>:<place-notation>`). `--bob` and `--single` still apply.

Tweaks/bug fixes

- (181) Make the behaviour of `That's All` more intuitive (i.e. calling `That's All` during rounds
will no longer cause Wheatley to ring one erroneous row of method).
- (184) `--stop-at-rounds` now leaves the bells set at hand even if the touch finishes on a
- (179) Overhaul the `README.md`

Internal Improvements

- (197) Use the black autoformatter to keep a consistent code style.
- (190, thanks jrs1061) Speed up doctests
- (165, 172, 186) Improve developer experience on Windows
- (170, thanks jamesscottbrown) Fix typo in comment
- (174, 195) Add then remove autorebase workflow
- (182) Ignore the `username` parameter when users leave (this is deprecated and will be removed in
later versions of RR)

Improvements to Ringing Room Integration

- (207) Only return 'Roll call' when Wheatley is actually able to ring. This will hopefully
prevent Wheatley from 'going off in a huff'.
- (209) When the tower size changes, check the **next** `RowGenerator`'s stage since it will used
the next time `Look To` is called.


User-facing changes

- Load comps (including private ones) from CompLib URLs with `--comp <url>` or `-c <url>`. Using
CompLib IDs directly also works.
- Wheatley now calls CompLib compositions (use `--no-calls` to suppress this)
- Add proper support for backstroke starts (with 3 rows of rounds for `--up-down-in`).
- Add `--start-index` to specify how many rows into a lead of a method Wheatley should start.
- Add `-v`/`--verbose` and `-q`/`--quiet` to change how much stuff Wheatley prints.
- Print summary string of what Wheatley is going to ring before every touch, as well as how to stop
Wheatley (i.e. using `<ctrl-C>`).
- Tell users when Wheatley is waiting for `Look To`.
- Make the error messages friendlier.
- Moved some overly verbose `INFO` messages into `DEBUG`.
- Capped all numbers to 3 decimal places.
- Made debug 'wait' logging slightly less verbose.
- Wheatley simply prints `Bye!` when interrupted with `<ctrl-C>`
- Fix broken version string (`Wheatley vv0.6.0` will now be `Wheatley v0.6.0`)

Technical changes

- Allow support of the new tower sizes - `5`, `14` and `16`.
- Allow Wheatley to ring with any (positive) number of cover bells.
- Un-jankify error message for inputting an incorrect method title.
- Change place notation parsing to comply with CompLib and the XML specification.
- Add full static typing, and fix some `None`-related bugs.
- Reimplement the Ringing Room integration code, and fix buggy expansion of place notation when
running on the server.
- Allow peal speed to be changed correctly whilst Wheatley is ringing.


- Prevent installing the wrong version of socketio to work with RingingRoom.


- Bump numpy version to exactly `1.19.3` on Windows to fix
[this issue](https://tinyurl.com/y3dm3h86).

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